"Honeymoon" Life On Mars Sam/Gene/Annie NC17 Wordcount-2870

Apr 30, 2012 23:13

Title: Honeymoon
Fandom: Life on Mars
Pairing: Sam/Gene/Annie
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 2870
Notes: Written to celebrate the 6 Year Anniverary of lifein1973 and our fabulous moderator Lozenger8. Sequel to Comfort and Joy. Yes, two and half years in the making. It took me that long to convince Gene to go along with it ( Read more... )

fanfic, life on mars, sam tyler, sam/gene/annie, nc17, sam/gene, slash, sam/annie, gene hunt

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Comments 14

basaltgrrl May 4 2012, 11:28:18 UTC
I'm a huge fan of this threesome, and there isn't enough fic that deals with the emotional and societal ramifications (petronelle's "three times blessed her" being a notable exception, if you're in the mood to read something amazing). Bravo for keeping gene as conflicted as he is here, and I love pushy Sam and clever Annie as well!


karaokegal May 4 2012, 17:38:48 UTC
Thank you! It's been awhile since I revisited the fandom in terms of writing anything longer than a drabble and I just felt overwhelmed with the reality of what Gene would be going through and how he would perceive himself in that situation. I suspect it was easier for me to overlook some of that when I was more immersed in the fandom wave, as it were. These days, since I'm not reading much fic where the issues get hand-waved in a flurry of hot sex, I can't write that way.
I'm glad I was able to get the three of them together, since I've been trying to get write that fic for so long.


basaltgrrl May 5 2012, 16:54:35 UTC
Not that you're under any obligation, but this is a great piece dealing with some of the same issues.

I've read and enjoyed my fair share of "flurry of hot sex" fics, but they're always better when there's some indication of how the characters FEEL about that hot sex situation!


karaokegal May 7 2012, 16:49:36 UTC
Thanks for the rec, although I'm not really good at reading long fic these days.

At this point, it's pretty hard for me to read anything (in almost any fandom) that completely over-looks the issues in the name of getting to the fluffy porn. Although there's also cause and effect in that I'm drawn to fandoms (and pairings) where they're would be issues.


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