"Ain't That So" Torchwood drabble Kathy Swanson/Gwen Cooper

Mar 14, 2012 01:13

Title: Ain't That So
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Kathy Swanson/Gwen Cooper
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Prompt from tw100. Challenge #231-The Women.
Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Kathy doesn't mind all of Torchwood.

And there you lie and time stands still )

torchwood fic, torchwood, tw100, fanfic, gwen cooper

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Comments 13

samstjames March 14 2012, 09:04:24 UTC
Heh... interesting take on things. :D


karaokegal March 29 2012, 19:50:02 UTC
Thanks! I'm so annoyed that we never got to see Kathy again.


samstjames April 2 2012, 06:22:13 UTC
Yeah, shame really. She was kinda fun - and pissed off by Jack, so that's always nice for a change :D.


alba17 March 14 2012, 12:47:55 UTC
Nice. "which Kathy hopes Jack notices." hee


karaokegal March 29 2012, 19:50:24 UTC
THANKS! I had fun writing this one.


talkingtothesky March 14 2012, 23:03:48 UTC
Ohhh, I love their territorial pissing match. Gwen's a bit of a pawn between them here. Great take on the episode!


karaokegal March 29 2012, 19:51:21 UTC
I actually like Gwen in that position, because I want to emphasize her desirability. Thanks for reading and commenting.


rustydog March 15 2012, 02:54:45 UTC
Ooh. That's great. It sounds really believably her, and who wouldn't want a bit of that! :)


karaokegal March 29 2012, 19:52:08 UTC
Thanks! And Hell YEAH! Maybe I'll do a follow up. I really wish Kathy had been brought back, if only for a cameo in Exit Wounds or something. *ponders*


unfeathered March 18 2012, 13:48:28 UTC
Nice. :-)


karaokegal March 29 2012, 19:52:18 UTC


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