"The Fix" Torchwood drabble Jack/John, Jack/Gwen, (reference to Jack/Ianto) Rating-G

Dec 31, 2011 13:16

Title: The Fix
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Captain John Hart, Jack/Gwen (reference to Jack/Ianto)
Rating: G
Warnings: Subversion for one of the radio plays.
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 365. WE MADE IT! Dedicated to beta_goddess and all the real!Jack believers. This was our year. Beta by book_junkie007. Comments and concrit welcome ( Read more... )

drabble-a-day 2011, jack/gwen, jack/ianto, torchwood, jack/john, drabble, real!jack

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Comments 22

cookielaura January 1 2012, 04:32:49 UTC
SQUEEEEEEE, you finished! If I was entirely sure how to post a gif you'd be getting hugging and jumping and maybe even some Barrowman-dancing! Please imagine these things are here!!

This is definitely a fitting one to end on and the ABI-ness made me giggle. Though I think I'm gonna have to read the Gwen paragraph a few more times before I decide which way to take it! Which is not a bad thing :)

Happy new year xx


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:45:56 UTC
Thanks sweetie! The ABI-ness is the only way to un-retcon Jack and give him back his cojones again. I hope the Gwen idea makes sense after a while. That she's the hardest one to con, but the only one he really wants to.


hansolo5 January 1 2012, 13:02:58 UTC

Congratulations and....Happy New 2012 !!!!!


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:46:15 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I hope you're having a great year already.


veritas6_5 January 2 2012, 05:40:22 UTC
Congratulations and Happy New Year! And a big Thank You for hours of entertainment!


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:46:48 UTC
Thanks for your support along the way!


mad_jaks January 2 2012, 23:24:15 UTC
CONGRATUMALATIONS on finishing. Be back tomorrow to read. Right now I am on my Blackberry (which has decided it hates me.)


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:53:38 UTC
Bad Blackberry, BAD!

Thanks for all your support along the way.


ebineez01 January 18 2012, 04:38:42 UTC
Love as always! (though less frequently lately - bad me!)
This speaks to the interaction between these two so well. It makes me think of all the times we've seen them together & the hold Jack has on John - there's no question this is right on the money :)
Congrats on the completion


karaokegal January 21 2012, 20:50:25 UTC
You crazy woman! I can't believe you went through that many drabbles in one fell swoop. I had this one written almost as soon as I heard about the scuzzy libel inflicted on Jack Harkness by that piece of fecal matter passing for a radio play. I was mostly planning to unleash it, if there was any reference to the events in Miracle Day.

I'm glad it reads as an affirmation of the Jack/John dynamic as well.


ebineez01 January 22 2012, 05:56:58 UTC
I admit I haven't gotten through all those radio plays yet.
No time lately - too much work.
Hence all those drabbles in one fell swoop :) & all the time I've been away from here - sorta feels like I fell off the face of the planet when it comes to ff & lj
But back now :)


karaokegal January 22 2012, 06:02:53 UTC
From what I've heard, there's absolutely no reason to listen to them, and certainly no reason they should be considered canon.


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