"Some Unholy War" House MD drabble House/Wilson, Wilson/Park, Wilson/Foreman PG13

Dec 27, 2011 21:45

Title: Some Unholy War
Fandom: House MD
Pairings: House/Wilson, Wilson/Park, Wilson/Foreman
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 361. Prompt from damigella_314: House MD: Wilson-Black. Unbeta'd. Companion piece to Shivering Shadows. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: House isn't the only one who's on to Wilson.

The Final Countdown-4 Days to Go! )

james wilson, house md, wilson/foreman, house/wilson, fanfic, drabble, housefic, drabble-a-day 2011, wilson/park, slash

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Comments 14

pgrabia December 28 2011, 15:07:48 UTC
Ha! Cute drabble:) But I'm not certain I can get my head around the idea of Wilson/Foreman, lol!


karaokegal December 28 2011, 18:51:26 UTC
I think if you go back to "Histories," and you like hate!sex pairings, you can definitely see some potential there. In my old age, I've become more of a cranky, contrarian rare-pair shipper, although I'll alway ship season 1/2 H/W BEFORE it got ruined by too much fanservice.

(Here's a fic that I wrote back in 2006-http://karaokegal.livejournal.com/33438.html.)

Thanks for reading and commenting.


chocolate_frapp December 28 2011, 18:45:06 UTC
Holy cow, I've NEVER read Wilson/Foreman before!


karaokegal December 28 2011, 18:49:48 UTC
It's been a very long time, but I actually wrote it all the way back in 2006 as my very first ever "Come As You're Not" fic. (If you're curious: http://karaokegal.livejournal.com/33438.html.)

I think there's enough of hate!sex vibe in "Histories" and later a bit in "Failure To Communicate" to justify at least the possibility. Lately I'm so annoyed with the way the slash-pandering has ruined H/W that I'm reaching out for other pairings as a reaction.


chocolate_frapp December 28 2011, 19:23:01 UTC
the ONLY thing that could maybe ruin H/W for me is maybe Hugh in drag in canon.


karaokegal December 28 2011, 19:29:35 UTC
Well we know how good Hugh can look in drag, although as House it would be a harder sell. Under some circumstances it would still be preferable to the swill that's been dished out in canon lately.

As a mid-Holiday treat, have some Nekkid Hugh:


damigella_314 December 28 2011, 21:13:00 UTC
That was awesome. AWESOME. I wouldn't qualify this a shipping either Wilson/Park or Wilson/Foreman... rather as being firmly H/W, but taking into account Wilson's natural proclivities and abilities. Or maybe I'm incorregible ;). Plus, I like both Foreman and Park and am sure either of them is better off having enjoyedWilson's celebrated lovemaking skills (hey, that's canon) even if they don't get to be in a relationship with him. I'd rather fuck Wilson than be in a relationship with him, frankly speaking.
What a lovely way to use my prompt. Thank you so much, and congratulations again, your countdown is running to the end!

Wilson is himself, and I'm myself too. There's a period missing after darker.


karaokegal December 28 2011, 21:15:51 UTC
Excellent. Thanks for the catch. That's sort of how I see it too. Most of my "rare-pair" fics in the fandom are basically off-shoots of how House and Wilson always end up hurting each other (and other people) because one or the other can't own up to what is really going on. Plus I will NEVER back down on Wilson being Wilson, i.e. a serial cheater.


rslhilson January 13 2012, 02:39:31 UTC
Not my typical ships, but LOVED this!


karaokegal January 13 2012, 03:07:58 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting. I always appreciate people giving rare-pairs a chance.


(The comment has been removed)

karaokegal January 13 2012, 03:06:46 UTC
Thanks for the nice comment.

I have to say that I think the ONLY reason Taub seems more the cheater is because TPTB have attempted to ret-con the canon of the first three seasons and give Taub Wilson's philandering, no matter how ludicrous that actually is. However we know better. Wilson will ALWAYS screw around. If he's not cheating on anyone right now, it's only because he's not in a relationship. The minute he is in a relationship, whether it's with House or anybody else, his basic inclinations will re-assert themslves. Remember the key "themes" that
the show teaches us over and over, which may or may not be true in the real world, but are taken to be true "in universe."

1. Everybody lies.
2. Love Hurts/Sex Kills.
3. People don't change.


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