"Lifetimes" Torchwood/Doctor Who drabble Gwen/Rose Rating-G

Nov 10, 2011 22:09

Title: Lifetimes
Fandoms: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing: Gwen Cooper/Rose Tyler
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 314. Prompt from Femslash100. Challenge #294-Free. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome. Takes place in Pete's World.
Summary: Gwen needs help. Rose needs something else.

And I have loved you many many years )

rose tyler, femslash, femslash100, drabble-a-day 2011, slash, drabble, gwen cooper

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Comments 6

photoash November 11 2011, 17:39:32 UTC
This is not a combo I would have thought of. I'm curious what made you write this one? :)

And is Rose talking about the Gwen that died in Charles Dickens episode?


karaokegal November 11 2011, 21:02:07 UTC
Yes! The girl in The Unquiet Dead is Gwyneth. RTD kept insisting there was no connection between Gwen & Gwyeth (aside from both being played by Eve Myles) and then he changed his mind in time for Journey's end.

Both Rose and Gwen have taken such abuse from the fandom, so I thought it would be a double hearty FU to put them together.


cookielaura November 11 2011, 17:51:19 UTC
Ooh, I like!


karaokegal November 11 2011, 21:02:16 UTC


larebilinyc November 11 2011, 22:06:12 UTC
Love this! You've got a really good grip on the character of Gwen Really fits in with th awareness of her own sins we saw from Gwen in series four :)


karaokegal November 21 2011, 19:33:07 UTC
Thanks! I love writing Gwen, especially when she's being very Gwen-like, which means fighting between her impulses and her better natures.


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