This is all over my Tumblr too. I'm puzzled, is there a reason it's surfacing now when it's obviously several years old? And why didn't it appear when the other unbearable parodies of the real thing (which was just about tolerable itself) surface? I'm sad that we had to have Michael Portillo and a load of squaddies when we could've had David Tennant and co (who is "Jax"?)
I honestly don't know. From what I can tell it's common to do these things for UK shows. (And a lot of them are directed by Jennie Fava.) You'd think it would be perfect for an extra on the boxed set, but this just came out and it's going seriously viral. It's just so full of love and affection and sweetness and crazy. I did notice that Timothy Dalton and John Simm seem significantly less enthused than the other performers. And OMG-Freema is a shrimp next to David Tennant.
I'm sure it's been distributed elsewhere, but it was pretty much ALL OVER my Tumblr dashboard the minute I logged in this morning. What an awesome way to start the day!
From the presence of Simm, Dalton, Barrowman, Tovey, Tate AND Lis Sladen, my guess is it was done during the filming of the End of Time Parts one and two. (It is funny that Simm and Dalton seem more bemused than out and out excited compared to Tennant and the rest of the gang.)
I haven't seen this yet, as I don't have Tumblr (Facebook, Twitter, and LiveJournal are enough for me), but this is awesome! I love how into it Russell Tovey and JB are, and the grins on their faces...! Priceless.
I don't even watch the show and I found it incredibly funny and delightful (esp. the aliens and the special effects guys with their tiny heads). Everyone looked like they were having fun.
Comments 22
as someone still resisting tumblr I appreciate the repost! :D
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