"A Dying Clown" NCIS drabble Tony DiNozzo Rating-G

Oct 07, 2011 20:54

Title: A Dying Clown
Fandom: NCIS
Character: Tony DiNozzo
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 280. Prompt from ncisdrabble100. Prompt #259-Who. Suggestion from proseac1. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Tony really hates people who don't know the difference.

God, there's got to be another way! )

tony dinozzo, ziva david, drabble-a-day 2011, ncis, drabble, ncisdrabble100

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Comments 12

proseac1 October 8 2011, 04:38:35 UTC
See, I knew you'd do something great with this! A Geico commercial...was it one of the caveman ones, or the little green gecko? :D


karaokegal October 8 2011, 18:35:20 UTC
Actually I was thinking of one of the annoying guy commercials. ("Could switching to GEICO really save you 15% or more on car insurance?...Is having a snowball fight with pitching great Randy Johnson a bad idea?")

Thanks for the suggestion, although it was definitely a struggle to get there.


proseac1 October 8 2011, 23:17:19 UTC
Oh I HATE those commercials! The caveman ones are my faves, far and away. So clever.


alidiabin October 8 2011, 05:08:25 UTC
Hehe. Tony really doesn't like people who get CSI and NCIS mixed up.


karaokegal October 8 2011, 05:19:46 UTC
No he does not! :)


kytivafan October 8 2011, 17:00:54 UTC
his could be a scene from the show. Perfect in all ways


karaokegal October 8 2011, 18:36:02 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! I could definitely see it playing out, especially Tony expressions.


cuke11 October 8 2011, 19:46:11 UTC
I wondered if I was the only one who had that song pop in my head when I heard this week's challenge. :) Nicely done!


karaokegal October 8 2011, 20:13:21 UTC
Thanks! Someone got to the Doctor Who route before me, so that left the band and proseac1 suggested the song. You never know exactly where a prompt is going to lead, which is why I love the drabble prompt communities so much. e


cuke11 October 8 2011, 20:20:17 UTC
that's why I love 'em, too! lol


mad_jaks October 9 2011, 14:56:53 UTC
The only thing worse than some idiot who couldn’t spell was some idiot who actually watched the damn show.
Oh dear! *snicker*


karaokegal October 9 2011, 15:27:44 UTC
I knew I was edging toward crack there, but CSI, as a show, does seem to exist in the NCIS-verse. Once proseac1 suggested "Who Are You?" I felt like I had to go there.


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