Title: Sure Looked Strange
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character: Canton Everett Delaware III
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 257. Prompt from
dw100. Challenge #368-Colour. Written for
khylara, who suggested Canton and purple. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Aliens aren't funny anymore.
Canton considered himself a practical man. He’d never been concerned with life on other planets; there were enough things for him to worry about on earth.
The most he’d ever thought about aliens was when that song was on the Hit Parade, the one about the Flying Purple People Eater. He smiled thinking of the silly lyrics and his own innocence.
Now that he’d learned about the Silence and met the Doctor, everything was different. He’d seen the best and worst that the universe had to offer. Canton knew exactly how serious aliens really were.
Sometimes he wished he didn’t.