"The Fuse" Torchwood drabble Jack/John/Alonso Rating-G

Sep 04, 2011 21:35

Title: The Fuse
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack Harkness, John Hart, Alonso Frame
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 247. Prompt from TW100. Challenge #210-Power. Continuation of what I'm now call the "Who's The Boss?" series.
Meeting Across The River
Into The FireUnbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome ( Read more... )

who's the boss, jack/john, drabble, john hart, jack/alonso, torchwood, drabble-a-day 2011, jack harkness

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Comments 11

unfeathered September 6 2011, 17:38:39 UTC
Lovely! I am so loving this little series! :-)


karaokegal September 6 2011, 17:40:17 UTC
Thank you! Telling a continuous story in drabble form is an interesting challenge. One has to assume the readers are filling in quite a bit for themselves.


unfeathered September 6 2011, 17:42:06 UTC
True - though I guess that's always true for a drabble anyway. *g* But yeah, I do like drabble series!

(And now John is staring at Jack's crotch in our icons... *g*)


karaokegal September 6 2011, 17:42:56 UTC
As well he should be. :)


unfeathered September 6 2011, 17:47:31 UTC


rustydog September 10 2011, 13:15:37 UTC
Ooh, interesting! I really like this take on the challenge, and it's good to see more in the series. :)


karaokegal September 13 2011, 21:40:05 UTC
Thanks! I really love the idea of Alonso starting to get his inner
bad-ass on as a Time Agent.


nikki_b1 October 25 2011, 00:51:34 UTC
Great! I really enjoyed this little series. I hope you will add to it. And possibly write one about what exactly happened between "Meeting across the river" and "Jungleland"! ;-D

Love Nikki!


karaokegal October 26 2011, 20:30:33 UTC
Thanks! I've never done a whole series in drabbles before. I just love the idea of bringing John Hart and Alonso together, with Jack in the middle, literally and figuratively.


ebineez01 January 18 2012, 05:49:08 UTC
John had to have someone to replace Jack, (not that anyone really could) and taking Alonso off him like that would be a giant slap in the face of their continuing battle


karaokegal January 21 2012, 22:18:03 UTC
It's such a complex relationship between Jack and John, but I think Alonso is a very willing pawn.


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