"Kiss An Angel Good Morning" NCIS drabble Ziva/Jimmy Rating PG13

Sep 02, 2011 21:31

Title: Kiss An Angel Good Morning (ETA-I had to do a title change on this drabble. I realized I'd already used "Lucky Lips" for a drabble title.)
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Ziva David/Jimmy Palmer
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 245. Prompt from ncisdrabble100: Challenge #254-Good luck. Pairing suggested by proseac1. Unbeta'd. ( Read more... )

het, ziva david, drabble-a-day 2011, ncis, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 11

alidiabin September 3 2011, 06:08:33 UTC
Wow. Never read this pairing before. Interesting.


karaokegal September 9 2011, 17:35:43 UTC
Doing the Drabble-a-Day project has definitely given me the chance to do pairings I would never have tried otherwise.


proseac1 September 3 2011, 07:03:49 UTC
SQUEEEE!!! You really did it!

You know, Jimmy has more skill in the romance department than anyone gives him credit for. There was Agent Lee, and then of course there's the lovely Breena.

So, why NOT Ziva? :D


karaokegal September 9 2011, 17:36:54 UTC
Yes I did. Glad you liked how it turned out. I think Jimmy is definitely one of those "watch out for the quiet ones" types. He's
certainly got something going on.


damigella_314 September 3 2011, 19:27:40 UTC
You know, you make me feel like I should get to watch this just to get to know Ziva. Sounds fascinating. But then, Europeans like other Europans (yes, Israel's in Europe. How do I know? Because Israeli teams are in European tournaments for both soccer and volleyball, obviously).

Wonderful work. I still am trying to wrap my head around the fact you're doing this every day. You're awesome.


karaokegal September 3 2011, 19:36:21 UTC
We also know Israel is in Europe because they participate in Eurovision.

It's probably the craziest "a-day" project I've undertaken so far.
What the hell was I thinking?

One of the more interesting things about Ziva is that she is an Israeli played by an actress who was born in Santiago Chile, but (according to Wiki) raised in Miami.

Thanks for continuing to support, the project by reading drabbles, especially for fandoms you're not familiar with.


damigella_314 September 3 2011, 19:38:06 UTC
What makes drabbles so fascinating is that they're good for exploring pairings or fandoms one is not used to, either as writer or as reader. That, plus yours are so awesomely good.


kytivafan September 6 2011, 00:34:19 UTC
Jimmy Palmer, you sly devil you.....

I liked it....


karaokegal September 9 2011, 17:37:31 UTC
He is definitely a sly devil! Thanks for reading and commenting.


ditte3 September 8 2011, 14:07:58 UTC
I never thought of Jimmy like that,but it's good. :)


karaokegal September 9 2011, 17:38:15 UTC
Thanks! I really loved when Jimmy was sneaking around with Agent Lee. He has a very sly sexuality and I'd love it if we got to see him action again.


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