Title: "Fool Hearted Memory"
Fandom: Life on Mars
Pairings: Gene/Missus, Sam/Gene
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 212. Prompt from
lifein1973 Weekly drabble challenge #143-Amnesia. Thanks to
proseac1 for a SPaG and Brit-check lookover. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: It's not just the legendary prowess.
Not a sound from the pavement )
Comments 8
As I said before, you've intrigued me, and I need to try ferreting out a DVD of this show.
Just how many fandoms do you follow, anyway?? :)
Yup, no name for the Missus. One of many reasons why it's also a slash shipper's delight.
Well a lot of shows that I write fanfic for are done already, so there's really not much to follow in terms of new canon. Plus, it just happens to be my personal conceit that I can write anything, if I've seen it (and sometimes if I haven't, but that's cheating.) So not everything I've written is a fandom I'm necessarily in.
You missed a shit week on LJ. Another major DDOS attack. I can't believe I got all the drabbles posted.
and Sammy boy just blows all that away ;)
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