Title: Dressed For The Occasion
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Kathy Swanson
Rating: R
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 189. Happy Birthday
captjharknesstw. Thanks to
proseac1 for SPaG lookover. Comments and concrit
Warning: Cross-dressing.
Summary: Naked is just the beginning.
Kathy didn’t know which was more impressive; how good Jack looked in a dress, or how willing he’d been to put one on.
She’d spent years keeping her taste for men in frocks a deep secret, yet she’d revealed it to Jack Harkness half way through the appetizers. In response, he’d smiled that big cheesy grin and asked for the check.
Naked, he was merely beautiful. In one of Kathy’s cocktail dresses, he was perfection, and with that dress pushed up to reveal his cock straining against lace knickers, he was more than that.
He was her dream come true.