"Partners In Mourning" NCIS drabble Gibbs, Shada Shakarki Rating-G

Jun 24, 2011 22:36

Title: Partners In Mourning
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Gibbs, Shada Shakarki (GEN)
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 175. Prompt from ncisdrabble100. Challenge #244-Graveyard. Unbeta'd. Comments and Concrit welcome.
Warnings: Spoilers for Swan Song
Summary: Two warriors pay their respects.

ere thrice the sun done salutation to the dawn )

jethro gibbs, drabble-a-day 2011, ncis, fanfic, drabble, ncisdrabble100

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Comments 12

damigella_314 June 25 2011, 09:53:39 UTC
There's the missing before grave.
Else, I'm impressed. I particularly like the symmetry between the beginning (they used the same greeting, but of course swapping names) and the end, where each uses words from their religion - Arabic/Hebrew answering each other instead of fighting.
[Oh yes, of course I have no idea who these people are. Except I feel I'm starting to know Gibbs after so many drabbles - I even had a moment of worry "Let's hope the dead man is not Fornell!"]


karaokegal June 25 2011, 23:24:32 UTC
Thanks for the catch! I wrote it late last night and I was fairly exhausted, so I'm glad it came out as well as it did. Shada was one-episode character, but she was very compelling and I like to think she'd have come to pay her respects.


kytivafan June 25 2011, 14:08:29 UTC
very nice - I had forgotten about Shada -


karaokegal June 25 2011, 23:34:31 UTC
I thought she was a great character and I like to think she'd come to pay her respects and that Gibbs would appreciate her doing it.


gwynevere1 June 25 2011, 18:09:38 UTC
Nice missing scene. Like damigella_314 said, the parallel at the end, with each using words from respective religions (Arabic/Hebrew), is genius.


karaokegal June 25 2011, 23:36:22 UTC
Thanks! I'm happy with how it turned out. I'd love to see Shada again.


alidiabin June 26 2011, 05:57:17 UTC
Very nice. You wrote both of them well. Well done.


karaokegal June 26 2011, 21:05:01 UTC
Thanks so much! I did Shada from memory so I'm glad it sounded right.


proseac1 July 7 2011, 00:55:37 UTC
Very nicely done. The symmetry is beautiful, as others have said. "Amen." Just what Gibbs would say, too.


karaokegal July 7 2011, 00:56:46 UTC
Thanks so much! This is definitely one where I was looking for a different angle on the challenge and went out on a limb. I'm really glad that people have enjoyed it.


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