"Wake Up Call" NCIS drabble Gibbs/Fornell Rating-PG

Jun 17, 2011 21:18

Title: Wake Up Call
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/Fornell
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes : Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 168. Prompt from ncisdrabble. Challenge #243-Motivate. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome. Thanks to nakeisha for catching a canon error on my part.
Summary: Mornings with Gibbs.

Just a little lovin' (Early In the Morning) )

ncis, fanfic, drabble, gibbs/fornell, jethro gibbs, drabble-a-day 2011, tobias fornell, ncisdrabble100

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Comments 9

rose_cat June 18 2011, 06:41:18 UTC
Nice interpretation of the prompt! (I hate being woken by someone else in the morning. Except Missy, but I can't set her like an alarm clock. Which I never set anyway.)

...a tug at the waistband of Gibbs’ boxer shorts.

That wouldn't happen to end with a SNAP! would it? (Which I wouldn't know anything about. No, not me ;) )


karaokegal June 18 2011, 22:56:40 UTC
Boys will be boys! I'm sort of wierded out that I ended this on such a schmoopy note anyway, so I'm not going to dwell of what my muse might have had in mind. Thanks for reading and commenting.


ashley_pitt June 18 2011, 08:53:23 UTC


karaokegal June 18 2011, 22:57:15 UTC
Thanks! Written under the influence, even if it was just sugar and benedryl.


nakeisha June 18 2011, 09:14:46 UTC
Nicely done - good interpretation of the prompt.

One minor thing, Gibbs's dad would have called him 'Leroy' not 'Jethro'.


karaokegal June 18 2011, 22:52:44 UTC
Thanks for the catch. Now fixed w/ credit. I think one went a little schmoopy for me. Blame it on exhaustion.


nakeisha June 19 2011, 09:54:41 UTC
You are very welcome.

Sorry to hear you're exhausted - *sends good vibes*


alocacoc June 22 2011, 16:05:17 UTC
*squees* This kicks arse!


karaokegal June 22 2011, 18:59:48 UTC
Thanks so much!


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