"Simple Joys" House MD drabble Rating-R House/Cuddy, House/Wilson

May 30, 2011 22:46

Title: Simple Joys
Fandom: House MD
Pairings: House/Cuddy, House/Wilson, House/Stacy
Rating: R
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: Spoilers for Season 7 finale. General creepiness and possible surrealism. Language.
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 150. MMOM Day 30. Prompt from lilithisbitter:The Internet was made for porn.
Thanks to damigella_314 for a suggested tweak. ( Read more... )

mmom, house md, house/wilson, house/stacy, greg house, fanfic, house/cuddy, mmom 2011, drabble, drabble-a-day 2011

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Comments 10

damigella_314 May 31 2011, 06:06:05 UTC
"until he ran out of kinks, lube or breath. "
You forgot bandwidth :).

I loved this. Is it bad of me that I'm laughing, or very bad? Greetings from tomorrow!


karaokegal May 31 2011, 06:09:48 UTC
Bandwidth is better. The lube can be implied.

I think laughter is appropriate. It's dark, but House has always been best when it was dark and funny. One of the many aspects that's been lost along the way.


damigella_314 May 31 2011, 06:16:40 UTC
I didn't mean you to change it - but bandwidth is sometimes hard to get.

And dark and funny is I think what they wanted to recover by combining a car rammed into a building with someone giving back a hairbrush. Except, not very funny and idiotic instead of dark.


karaokegal May 31 2011, 06:18:13 UTC
I like it better now. Input is always good. Especially at 1117PM on the next to last night of mmom.


chocolate_frapp May 31 2011, 14:55:08 UTC
later, they found a statue of Michaelangelo's David with a little maroon sweater vest on it, didn't they?


karaokegal May 31 2011, 16:19:07 UTC
Anything is possible.


kytivafan May 31 2011, 16:15:53 UTC
ok, I admit it, I googled Agmalgatophilia -


karaokegal May 31 2011, 16:18:19 UTC
The Chelsea Drugstore strives to be educational as well as smutty. (Look at the number of folks who apparently learned about Ben Wa Balls from my Warehouse 13 fic earlier this month.)


yarroway June 3 2011, 10:02:04 UTC
LOL!! You've captured House perfectly. Do I want to know why he'd need lube with a statue? No, actually I don't.


karaokegal June 8 2011, 17:36:08 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! Keep in mind. It's a wank-fic, and he's got a long list of perversions ahead of him.


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