"Lovers In The Backseat" Heroes RPF Adrian/Milo Rating-NC17

May 28, 2011 21:39

Title: Lovers In The Backseat
Fandom: Heroes RPF
Pairing: Adrian Pasdar/Milo Ventimiglia
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 148. MMOM Day 28. Happy Birthday babykid528. Limo sex, Milo/Adrian, as requested. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Limo smut.

Adrian turns to look at Milo and finds a similarly bemused smile on his face. They’re in a limousine, stuck in traffic, on their way to the Emmys

Milo looks gorgeous in his tux, but Adrian thinks he’d look better out of it.

A backseat blowjob is too dangerous, but they’ve become experts at getting off without getting caught. Milo’s cock is already making a sly appearance. Adrian reaches over to thumb the head, making Milo moan softly.

Adrian knows exactly what he’s risking as he shudders through a powerful orgasm at Milo’s hand.

That makes it even better.

mmom, rps, fanfic, mmom 2011, drabble, drabble-a-day 2011, rpf, slash

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