Time for a round of Marry, Shag or Cliff

May 20, 2011 17:01

Ganked from dref22

) Comment to this and (if you want) I will give you 3 (fictional) people.
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures/text descriptions and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.

She gave me House, Gibbs & Jack Harkness.

Read more... )

meme, jethro gibbs, tobias fornell, greg house, jack harkness, real!jack

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Comments 52

khylara May 21 2011, 00:34:53 UTC
And may I say you found three delectable photos! *drool**thud*


karaokegal May 21 2011, 00:38:40 UTC
THANKS! I spent some a few minutes trying to find ones that everybody hasn't seen a zillion times. And they are all such delectable specimens.

ETA: Do you want to play the game?


khylara May 21 2011, 00:43:58 UTC
Sure - I'll give it a go.


karaokegal May 21 2011, 00:50:01 UTC
Unfortunately this one was phrased for "Fictional Characters" so I can't throw Barry into the mix. :(

James T. West
Leonard McCoy (Reboot version)
Canton Everett Delaware III


dref22 May 21 2011, 00:42:50 UTC
Hahaha I knew you'd cliff "Mr" House. XD


karaokegal May 21 2011, 00:44:18 UTC
Really? I never have before. Generally I marry him with the understanding that I'd be sharing him with drugs, Wilson, hookers etc. But lately, he just seems to want to die SO BADLY... But it was a close thing, because Gibbs has come damn close to earning that Cliff himself.


dref22 May 21 2011, 00:50:12 UTC
Haha true, Gibbs sometimes acts like he wants to be cliffed. XD But I hardly think of House as a marriage material!


karaokegal May 21 2011, 00:53:02 UTC
Well my rational was that it's always good to have a doctor (if not a Doctor) around. But House's skills in that realm are sort of on a downward slide as well.


cuddyclothes May 21 2011, 00:47:57 UTC
I love this...although I have no idea who Jack Harkness is. I'd like to play! (Suddenly realizes how little of popular fangirl culture I know about.) I also watch NCI, LO:SVU, LO:CI, 30 Rock and...that's about it. All of the above besides House are occasional.


karaokegal May 21 2011, 00:51:59 UTC
Fo'shizzle? No idea at all? *boggles and points to Icon*

But anyway.

Jack Donaghy
James Wilson
Elliot Stabler


mareearia May 21 2011, 00:52:32 UTC
Where on earth is the picture of house from? It's amazing!


karaokegal May 21 2011, 01:39:13 UTC
Embarrassingly enough, I have no idea and my Google-fu is failing me at finding it again. But damn it's a hot one. (Are you playing?)


mareearia May 21 2011, 01:42:07 UTC


karaokegal May 21 2011, 01:51:31 UTC
Benton Fraser
The Ninth Doctor
John Watson (BBC Sherlock)


msp_hacker May 21 2011, 01:02:48 UTC
Hit me!


karaokegal May 21 2011, 01:17:28 UTC
Jack Harkness
Sherlock Holmes (BBC 2010)


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