"The Season of the Bitch" Life On Mars drabble Sam, Annie and a dog

Apr 05, 2011 16:09

Title: The Season of the Bitch
Fandom: Life on Mars
Characters: Sam, Annie (although implied Sam/Annie) and OCC (original canine character)
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: CRACK and FLUFF!
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 95. Prompt from walkerbaby. Unbeta'd, because I'm embarrassed. Comments and concrit apprehensively welcome ( Read more... )

sam tyler, annie cartwright, drabble-a-day 2011, crack!fic, drabble, life on mars

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Comments 8

rustydog April 6 2011, 03:09:02 UTC
OCC woo! Hee, a poodle really is unexpected. Good luck to Sam!


karaokegal April 6 2011, 17:52:35 UTC
It was certainly odd for me write anyone NOT loving a dog, but I think this shows that I can write to a prompt that doesn't fit my own biases.

Thanks for the comment.


ladygray99 April 7 2011, 04:15:52 UTC
Sorry Sam, if the dog don't like you you're not getting nothing.


karaokegal April 7 2011, 17:57:10 UTC
Poor Sam. I get the sense Nicole is quite the Diva Dog.


talkingtothesky April 7 2011, 15:09:32 UTC
This is brilliant. *g*


karaokegal April 7 2011, 17:57:29 UTC


ebineez01 April 8 2011, 11:01:16 UTC
cute - I can see Sam having to roll up those sleeves & clean up vindictive doggy do-do ;D


karaokegal April 8 2011, 19:29:13 UTC
Poor Sam! Amazing what you can do with a crack-prompt.


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