"Old Flame" NCIS drabble Gibbs/Fornell Rating-G

Mar 25, 2011 21:03

Title: Old Flame
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/Fornell (mention of Diane)
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 84. Prompt from ncisdrabble100. Challenge #231-Waiting. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: The waiting is hardest part.

You ain't hiding nothing I don't know )

ncis, fanfic, drabble, gibbs/fornell, jethro gibbs, drabble-a-day 2011, tobias fornell, slash, ncisdrabble100

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Comments 10

ashley_pitt March 26 2011, 12:39:49 UTC
oh yay! I love Gibbs/Fornell. I miss my G/F bunny.
Thanks for posting this!


karaokegal March 26 2011, 16:21:13 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I liked getting into Gibbs head in that moment.


beta_goddess March 26 2011, 13:45:47 UTC
I don't even know the characters, but boy, did you nail the KEL on this one. Perfect.


karaokegal March 26 2011, 16:19:35 UTC
Thanks sweetie! Naturally I've chosen a completely non-canon, total rare-pair OTP for this show. (Except if you watch a bunch of their scenes together it's impossible not to see it.)


nakeisha March 26 2011, 15:01:33 UTC
A great little snippet. So Gibbs.


karaokegal March 26 2011, 16:20:36 UTC
Thanks! I struggled a bit to make sure it wasn't OOC.


ashley_pitt March 29 2011, 01:43:18 UTC
Not a bit OOC.


jagfanlj April 27 2011, 06:02:52 UTC
Spots Gibbs/Fornell on flist. *squees & flails*
Reads lovely drabble with Gibbs fretful & perhaps a weesny bit jealous. *coos* Poor Gibby-Bear, waiting for his man to come home. *cuddles & pets*


karaokegal April 27 2011, 21:45:48 UTC
Awwwww! Gibbs/Fornell are actually the closest thing I have to a fluff pairing, but somehow I can't resist sneaking a bit of angst into some of the drabbles. Follow my Gibbs/Fornell tag for the others.


jagfanlj April 27 2011, 22:39:57 UTC
As much as I love the pairing, I don't think I've written any where they are an actual couple. OTOH, I can't count the number of inuendos and hints at a prior ship between the two of them. I actuall wrote Fornell cooking Italian for Gibbs way back in Season Five! (Gibbs was in a terrible state -- his boat got a BIIIIIG owie -- Gibbs got a bit of one, too. *evil grin*)


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