"Meeting Across the River" Torchwood drabble Jack, John, Alonso Rating-PG

Feb 24, 2011 22:14

Title: Meeting Across The River
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, John, Alonso
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 55. Prompt from tw100. Challenge #187-X Factor. Beta'd by hllangel. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: A return to form.

Tonight we got style )

who's the boss, jack/john, tw100, fanfic, drabble, john hart, jack/alonso, torchwood, drabble-a-day 2011, jack harkness

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Comments 29

ebineez01 February 25 2011, 09:04:50 UTC
oooh - twisty turny. hmm, now what can Jack possibly offer John to get some of his memories back :D


karaokegal February 25 2011, 17:17:43 UTC
Oh, I imagine John will demand his pound of (ahem) flesh, and that's just for starters.

I wanted to write something that gave John some of his bad-assery back.

Thanks for the comment!


iolo1234 February 25 2011, 10:15:41 UTC
Clever and unexpected. I can see this happening.


karaokegal February 25 2011, 17:20:56 UTC
Thanks sweetie! It always bugged me that the two years were never mentioned on Who or TW, so I'm happy to set Jack back on his original quest, and get the Time Agency back as well.


virushexe February 25 2011, 10:23:48 UTC
Now I feel utterly dumb, because I believed John too. Awesome drabble.


karaokegal February 25 2011, 17:26:11 UTC
Don't feel bad. John sold it like the pro that he is and he knows exactly how to play Jack. Thanks for the comment.


chamilet February 25 2011, 17:39:31 UTC
Ooooo, nice twist.


karaokegal February 25 2011, 17:55:32 UTC
Thanks sweetie! It makes so much sense--to me anyway.


aviv_b February 25 2011, 18:41:03 UTC
John, you are a bad, bad, ex. And we love you for it.


karaokegal February 25 2011, 18:42:31 UTC
Yes he is, and yes we do. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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