30 Days of Shipping Meme

Jan 16, 2011 20:56

Meme of doom ganked from The Fabulous Ree

Question List

Day 16: What is the absolute worst pairing?Jack/Ianto-Torchwood ( Read more... )

ianto jones, jack/ianto, torchwood, barely utilitarian fuck toy, jack harkness

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Comments 13

I totally agree blu_3_haze January 17 2011, 06:13:33 UTC
I must say that I totally agree with you on this one. He never really fit in exactly...and after the Lisa cyberwoman fiasco? Man, Our Capt. J was supposed to kill him, them's the rules!

Torchwood...How I miss you..BUT thankfully there is a god! I, for one cannot wait until they finally come back...Summer 2011!!

There an almost even rant.. :=)


Re: I totally agree karaokegal January 17 2011, 08:30:39 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I'm willing to buy Ianto whoring his ass to Jack for Lisa's sake, although what Jack saw in him is still beyond me. Everything after that is just plain bollocks. Captain Gorgeous+Lord High Whiney Butt? I don't think so.


aeron_lanart January 17 2011, 12:10:28 UTC
I am steering clear of this meme - too many questions I'd struggle to answer I think - but when I saw the question list I had to wonder which one you'd answer with this pairing (there are a few potentials, you'll admit). It isn't a surprise it was this one.

And now I will go back to quietly agreeing to disagree; after all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it annoys the hell out of me when people tell a person that their opinion is *wrong* even if I don't necessarily agree with it!

I've been reading the entries to the meme with interest, though a lot of your answers fly over my head as you've picked ships from things I've never seen (or not watched more than once - like House).


karaokegal January 17 2011, 15:22:38 UTC
I appreciate your discretion. I always knew I was going to save this answer for this for this pairing because there is absolutely no ambiguity in my opinion here.

It's a tricky meme, especially since I'm determined to use different pairings for each question. I still have no idea what I'm doing for some of the upcoming questions.


cryssiemarsters January 17 2011, 15:15:13 UTC
And it's so good to read such opinion after stumbling into the Janto fanatic whinings all over the net. It makes me sick.
I can't see the deep love that the fans talk about. I don't say Jack didn't love him, he might have had some emotions toward Ianto, but it wasn't that deep, unconditional, trust-based love. come on, did Jack tell him about his secrets? No. And to Gwen? Yes. Cos he trusted her more and in a different way. That is the trust of love. Without asking. He told about those things deliberately and not cos he felt obligated to.
Also, I haven't seen Jack giving him such glances that he did to Gwen. Way different.
and what I hated the most: there was no evolution of the relationship. One ep Jack and Ianto are still apart, just colleagues, next they are lovers. How is that? No tiny pieces of building up a relationship. It's like a sudden hook-up, just for fun.
On the other hand, Gwen and Jack has a slowly building, but trust-based relationship - and I hope it'll be resolved one day. :P


karaokegal January 17 2011, 15:28:07 UTC
Yes, yes and yes. Simply because Jack/Gwen was always the plan and Jack/Ianto was forced into the show because of the perceived interest, which I still maintain was never as strong as TPTB thought it was. It just sounded louder than it was because of the internet. I also think that RTD let Moran et al get out of control because he was more focused on Who.

If there'd been a strong hand and a character bible (a la Whedon) things would NEVER have been allowed to get to this unfortunate pass. Ianto would have died on schedule, the fans who wanted to see more than whoring and convenience in the pre-Cyberwoman J/I ship could have written it to their hearts content and Jack/Gwen could have continued in their slow, USTy climb to eventual canon-hood. (I also think Rhys should have died on schedule in End of Days.)

Hopefully lessons are learned and the series will produce the show we should have had all along.


cookielaura January 17 2011, 19:16:24 UTC
I think I agree that Rhys should have stayed dead (even though I quite enjoy his character). Him not staying dead makes zero sense - and apparantly was based on the decision that everyone liked Kai?! What kind of way is that to plan a storyline?! Nicely ranted, btw.


karaokegal January 17 2011, 20:39:12 UTC
What kind of way is that to plan a storyline?

The same stupidity that left us with a Jack/Ianto situation where it was clear to anyone with a brain that it just sex on Jack's part and not even terribly good sex compared to what he's had, while making it possible for the schmoopy-oopy curtain buying crowd to delude themselves that Jack was really going to "settle down" with the whining Welshman and to have several thousand melt-downs when RTD took control of the situation, killed off their woobie AND made sure it was clear throughout Children of Earth that Jack had no emotional investment in Ianto whatsoever. (The death scene proves nothing. Put Gwen in that room and not a single word of Jack's dialogue changes except the pronoun.)


sullen_riot January 18 2011, 00:54:17 UTC
i got here so randomly that i'm not even sure how anymore, clicking on drabbles and thus to your jounral and to this entry, so feel free to think 'who the hell is this person' i just had to comment because i've NEVER seen any anti-ianto/jack so far in my foray into the fandom, though i'm sure it's there ( ... )


karaokegal January 18 2011, 01:01:12 UTC
Welcome! All styles served here. I do have F-listers (as you can see above) who are Ianto fans and some who are even Jack/Ianto fans, but very few who've actually bought into the b.s. that Jack would ever want/love/need Ianto the way he wants/loves/needs the Doctor or Gwen. Also aside from fucking everything, we KNOW that Jack wants what he can't have, not what he's already fucked and keeps throwing itself at him ( ... )


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