"Escape" Life On Mars Drabble Annie-centric Rating-PG

Jan 14, 2011 16:22

Title: Escape
Fandom: Life On Mars
Character: Annie Cartwright
Rating: PG (slightly dark themes)
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Written for Drabble-a-Day 2011. Prompt from lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge #115-Four Plus 3-Prompt: A secret alliance. Thanks to filthgoblin for beta. Remaining snafus are my own.
Summary: The allure of Sam's world.

First Life On Mars drabble of the year! )

annie cartwright, drabble-a-day 2011, drabble, life on mars

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Comments 5

ladygray99 January 15 2011, 13:26:48 UTC
Nice. Annie is a tricky character. Some people love her and some loath her and she had a very odd position with in the show it self so I think you did a very nice job getting inside her head here.


karaokegal January 15 2011, 18:10:07 UTC
Thanks for the discreet typo catch! Drabbling + Stress = bad combo. :)

One thing I want to do with the drabbles is take time to examine some of the characters who get lost in the shuffle because they're not part of a main slash pairing. I think Annie gets overlooked a lot because she's not as blatantly effed up as Sam and Gene, but she is a great character and definitely deserves some fanfic love.


ebineez01 January 17 2011, 11:26:32 UTC
life is always better with a Sam around. i wish for better for Annie - but I think she earned their respect all on her own in the end


karaokegal January 17 2011, 15:30:42 UTC
I like Annie's character arc a lot, but obviously it gets over-shadowed by the power of the Sam/Gene dynamic. Hopefully a year of drabbles will give me a chance to take a look at lot of characters who don't get as much fic attention because their not part of a "dominant" ship.


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karaokegal January 20 2011, 18:15:54 UTC
I was so happy when they did give her some real moments of awesome in the 2nd series. Annie with a Whip is one of my favorite things ever. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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