Oh crap.
One of these days, K will learn to stop distracting herself from RL D: with fandom; but then she thinks - fandom is one of the sources of great joy and hope in her life, so, uh, fuck! Off to make someone's
yuletide, I hope.
[edit] to-do list:
[x] pinch hit #1
[] pinch hit for my christmas cards, what
[] layout work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments 6
I already missed one, but I'm hopeful for more.
Though, being a first time pinch hitter, I kind of have the nervous question of - if I end up missing the 23rd deadline, am I a defaulter? xD''
HOGFATHER. I just rewatched it yesterday while trying out - incidentally! - your three garlic killer recipie. Oh my god. It tasted so good, the roast garlic. And then the raw garlic. And then I brushed my teeth 8 times and will fully agree that some-splash-that-is-not-water would go better than water. Oh god. Garlic.
I'm glad you liked it. :D And yeah. I just EMANATED garlic all day.... although I find that chewing on parsley helps a lot with the lingering taste/breath.
:DDD I wish I had breathmints, is the only thing. Mmm. Also, squeezing out roasted garlic is surprisingly theraputic!
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