Apr 10, 2008 20:49

HI. LET ME MAKE YOUR WEEKEND MORE ENJOYABLE. Welcome to the world of Baccano!, and because you're going to end up reading this post whether you like it or not, might as well sit tight and prep up for the ride. ♥ Your flight attendant for the night is Koyasu Takehito (Zechs, Gundam Wing; Ran, Weiss Kruez), and your co-pilots include (but are not limited to) Fujiwara Keiji (Reno, Final Fantasy VII; Maes Hughes, Fullmetal Alchemist), Yoshino Hiroyuki (Allelujah, Gundam 00) and Onosaka Masaya (Momoshiro, Prince of Tennis; Vash, Trigun).

Baccano! deals with slick, smooth New York mafia families from the 1930s Prohibition era, and packs into 13 episodes a hell of a lot of punch. The supporting cast is huge, surprisingly memorable and entirely lustable lovable. Throw in a few issues regarding immortality, family grudges, turf wars, kickass friendships, an upbeat jazz intro and you've got one of the best releases of 2007.

The beautiful subbers at Ayu have recently started re-releasing DVD versions with hugely better animation at their site. The older version is also up there! I've upped episode one onto MU. (xx to tt!)

Today's 2 characters are Luck Gandor and Firo Prochainezo.


Third son of the Gandor Mafia family, Luck smiles a lot, plans a lot, and screws people up real good. Words alone cannot quite convey how awesome he is, so have some pictures to illustrate:


Firo was next-door neighbour to the Gandors during their childhood, but he's grown up pretty well on his own. Now the youngest executive of the Martillo family, Firo goes around looking adorable and kicking people's teeth in. ♥ With his hat usually still on.

Have a few icons to go:

Baccano! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

try your luck, goosy goosy gandor, iconses, firo is a small child, baccano!!!!!!, i am the pimp and this is the ho

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