1. Familytimes! ♥
2. I'm rewriting Oscar Wilde's
The Prince for a collaboration and really, really, really enjoying it. Even if we don't end up using it, it's going to come up here to plague traumatise be exposed! 8D As a kid it really was one of my favourite fairy tales.
charlie_d_blue! I have Lucifer for you! IT SHOULD BE GOING FORTH SOON
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Comments 11
2. Oh my god. I remember the first time I read that story as a kid. I adored it, but having been largely exposed to fairytales of the Disney variety (this classified as a fairytale for me back then - not so much anymore) I also remember that it ripped my heart out and stomped on it. Now I'm really curious to see what you'll do with it.
4. *gets out the whip*
5. Command obeyed...for the moment.
4. I AM TRYING, I AM TRYING, but it is already halfway through Saturday and all is still crazy!
5. POT AND KETTLE, you and I!
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