Ableism is bigotry and discrimination at its worst.

Jun 17, 2009 20:42

(Cross-posted from As I said elsewhere, "I am big on human rights, especially disability rights. And the right of a person to be as independent as possible trumps the right of anyone else to feel comfortable emotionally ( Read more... )

stupidity, comfort, friendship, nanowrimo, links:blogs, human rights, advocacy, animals:dog, links:web sites

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Comments 5

kisekileia June 18 2009, 03:32:52 UTC
Is there any possibility that the mother-in-law actually has a dog phobia?


amigone June 18 2009, 03:48:31 UTC
I'm J's wife.

Considering we had a Doberman, a German Shepard, and they currently have a Rottweiler cross, absolutely not :)


kisekileia June 18 2009, 03:54:44 UTC
Ah, that definitely eliminates that possibility then!


amigone June 18 2009, 03:59:30 UTC
Janna, I love you so much for posting this.

Thank you for reminding Josie and I that we're on the right side, and fighting for the right thing.


karalianne June 18 2009, 04:37:11 UTC
You're welcome.

Like I said, I'm big on human rights. Especially disability rights.


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