Title: Daydreamer 3/?
himrahidGenre: Dark
Ratings: R
Paring: KaoruXToshiya; OCXToshiya; DieXShinya
Resume: Sequel to “Cruel Device“, which can be found
here . Kaoru and Toshiya have to deal with the bassist’s past. Will they live happily ever after or lose each other once again?
Comments: I’m trying to keep this realistic so it may or may not be what you were looking for ... <.<
Disclaimer: Dir en grey belong to themselves ... everything else I came up with. 8D
A/N: I don't like this chapter, but it has some romance, so yay! ^-^v
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
“Neee, what would you like for your birthday, Shin-chan?“
Shinya smiled at the bassist tenderly, watching him jump up and down like an overly excited bunny.
“Just you coming to the party would be nice,“ he replied softly. “It’ll be Kyo-kun, Die, myself and you guys. If you want to.“
Today everyone but Toshiya and Shinya was off to buy coffee during one of their many coffee breaks, leaving all the time of the world to Toshiya to pester the drummer and find out what he could want for his birthday.
“That’s not a real present! You would get it anyway. Hmmm, I’ll find something and it’ll be the best present in the world!“
Shinya smiled at the other again, a little wider this time. Maybe things were slowly going back to normal? Maybe Toshiya just needed his time and he would be all right, scarred, but all right? He really did hope so even though he knew he was probably wrong.
“Kaoruuu?“ Toshiya’s good mood had lasted the whole day and even though it was just a couple of minutes after a long day of recording and practise he was as energetic as ever, hopping around Kaoru and stealing a smile from the older man’s lips.
“Yes, Totchi? What is it?“
Toshiya’s sly smile reminded the guitarist of just why he had fallen for the other in the first place. “We need a birthday present for Shin-chan ... the trouble is that I don’t have a car to drive to the mall and I really don’t wanna be stuck in the subway during the rush hour. But I know this person who does have a car and-“
“You want me to take you to the mall. During the rush hour. In Tokyo. In a car ?“
Toshiya nodded and smiled at the other happily. “Good to see we understand each other so well!“
“You’re killing me,“ Kaoru groaned. But there were Toshiya’s puppy eyes and his almost uncanny good mood. He knew he couldn’t say no. “Fiiine.“
“Maybe this?“ Toshiya held up a snow globe, shaking it a little, causing snow flakes to fall down onto the miniature Tokyo Tower inside.
“Errr ... it’s ... nice, I suppose.“
Toshiya raised an eyebrow at the guitarist and tilted his head to one side slightly. “What’s wrong with it? It’s pretty, isn’t it?“
“Oh. Yes. Yes, of course. Whatever you say, Totchi.“ Kaoru couldn’t help it and burst into laughters, feeling relieved when Toshiya joined him a couple of seconds later.
“That’s the ugliest thing ever, isn’t it?“ Toshiya was giggling. “Well, then it’s perfect. Because I do have a real present for him.“
Kaoru looked at him in surprise. “Oh?“
“It’s a surprise. You shall see ...“
About ten minutes later they were back out on the street, walking towards Kaoru’s car, which they had had to park about five blocks away.
It was already dark and snowing; Toshiya loved the way the air tasted during winter, so fresh and innocent.
Suddenly he stopped and pulled Kaoru towards himself. “I love you,“ he whispered and pressed his lips against the other’s.
For a moment Kaoru was too surprised to react, then he wrapped his arms around Toshiya’s waist, pulling the bassist closer, and returned the kiss tenderly.
For minutes it was just them, the snow, the dark, the cold, then the giggling of a couple of school girls behind them woke them back up from this dream.
“I love you too,“ Kaoru whispered, twining their fingers.
“I know.“
This wasn’t meant to sound arrogant and Toshiya knew the other wouldn’t take it this way, it was just that he knew that Kaoru loved him. He knew it like he knew that hate was bad and kindness good.
It was a part of his life, his identity.
He was convinced that he would’ve never recovered at this record speed if not for Kaoru’s love, leading him back out of darkness.
There were these other things as well, this ... oh, he didn’t want to think about it just yet. He simply wanted to enjoy now ...
“Kiss me,“ the bassist said.
Kaoru nodded and shoved the other into a tiny, empty side street, where Toshiya leant against a wall.
Even though they were out of sight now, Kaoru didn’t feel any better or more secure. He wasn’t sure about this, not at all. This sudden change in Toshiya’s behaviour was so confusing ... one moment he was the damsel in distress, then the ice queen, then a sex kitten.
How was he supposed to handle all of this?
And like fate had sensed this Toshiya suddenly pulled away. “Let’s go home,“ he murmured and Kaoru knew he had hesitated for too long.
Just one moment.
But that was more than enough.