Title: Three Point Line [2/?]
Author: KantanaAmaya
Rating: G
Pairing: None/ TBA
Genre: High School AU
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Arashi. Or basketball. Trust me, I really know NOTHING about basketball.
Summary: When your high school is all about sports, how do you incorporate yourself into a world you weren't meant to belong in?
Word Count: 2,381.
My mom is the best cook, you have to try it sooner or later. )
Comments 3
LOl@ convo. about basketball. Just wiki it, hun! HAHAHA! don't know squat about basketball either. >.<
Nino! YAY! So he won't be in this much? *pouts*
Haha, I wiki-ed the number of cheerleaders on a squad. It said at least 11, so I picked 12. XD
NO! Don't pout! Nino is important. I can't kick him out, I love him too much. =D I just didn't want him to enter yet. His official entrance will probably be next chapter or the one after.
Thank you for reading and commenting! =]
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