[ Week 18, Day 7 ] News Update

Feb 11, 2011 23:29

[ Passed out in papers all throughout respective villages, and displayed on the Hitomi appears to be the most recent news. Characters interested in applying for any jobs should reply directly to this post, either IC or OOC. Plotting also is welcome in the comments. If you would like your character affected by anything in the news, feel free to ( Read more... )

allen walker, xerxes break, ~marco, ~iskierka, *news, *celestials, asano rin, ~maito gai, *yomites, ~iroh, ginko

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Comments 50

[Video] spandexisyouth February 12 2011, 04:54:04 UTC

[Fine breeding. He's fairly sure he doesn't fit that. A study...]

What sort of things would they be studying?


[Text] kannagara_gods February 12 2011, 05:33:27 UTC
The Raisato scholars wish to learn more about You-Of-Other-Worlds.


[Video] spandexisyouth February 12 2011, 07:39:23 UTC
What does the learning entail? Talking, or other things?


[Text] kannagara_gods February 15 2011, 07:48:03 UTC
You will have to discover this for yourself.


[Video] guerrilla_morph February 12 2011, 06:06:08 UTC
[The capture of an escaped slave.

Marco is trying to ignore this slave trade business - it's not his problem, he has his share of being a freedom fighter (aka terrorist) back home. He doesn't want to repeat his unconventional lifestyle, thank you.

But all these ads and propaganda has been irritating Marco recently. It rubs him the wrong way, which is stupid that it shouldn't have been.]

God forbid a slave wants to have the good life of someone who isn't slave.

[His face is distorted in a sneer of contempt, disgusted by all this.]


[Video] flightandfire February 12 2011, 15:54:18 UTC
Why would they want to spend time and money to find someone who has run away? If someone is unhappy enough about being a slave that they would run away then they would not do a good job at their work if they were recaptured. Hunting him down would just be a waste of resources.


[Video] guerrilla_morph February 12 2011, 17:12:44 UTC
Something about believing that it's okay to own a human being as though they are properties, like land or cows.


[Video] flightandfire February 12 2011, 17:16:42 UTC
It is still quite ridiculous. If a cow wanders off and is not in the immediate vicinity of the farm, the herder does not spend several days looking for that one cow. He cares for all the other cows that are left and takes care to not let another cow wander off.

And anyway, humans are not livestock. They have every right to quit a job, if they do not wish to keep working.


[voice] revengeisalie February 12 2011, 15:40:37 UTC
[This post? Is such a mess. Rin needs a good while to sort all the things that are wrong with it out in her head, such a mess it is. And it is honestly infuriating, this language, this treatment, and the hidden ultimatum underneath.

It's enough to make her temper boil over and cause her to throw all caution to the wind for a moment.]

So you're going to insult us, belittle us, ask us to be guinea pigs for your study and ask us to please let ourselves be used for your benefit in the same breath?

That's not very nice, you know. Wonder what those Gods would have to say about that.


[voice] redeyeslasher February 12 2011, 15:42:55 UTC
Given their behavior so far I think they are condoning this treatment~


[voice] revengeisalie February 12 2011, 16:13:04 UTC
[That just gets a dry laugh.]

They would, wouldn't they? Awfully congruent with their message of harmony.


Re: [voice] redeyeslasher February 12 2011, 18:07:48 UTC
Perhaps they are trying the "harmony in the face of adversity and persecution" approach?


[Video] redeyeslasher February 12 2011, 15:48:48 UTC
Well I see this is becoming routine.

[a moment of silence as Break reads the news update]

Ah there it is. I was wondering what cock and bull stories they would come up with this time. Seems whoever is out to turn the populace against us decided to push harder. Ah how troublesome~ Such a contradicting little publication.

On one hand we're the big bad wolves about to eat them out of house and home and bring about the end of the world and on the other they consider us a valuable workforce. My my my.

Oh but those jobs at the bottom, a few look very nice.

[namely the assassination one but he's not gonna specify]


[ OOC] kannagara_gods February 15 2011, 07:48:52 UTC
If you're interested in any of the bounties, let Kuri know!


[video] firebendingtea February 13 2011, 03:23:56 UTC
I wonder if I can place an ad for our own shop. It's certainly in a nice location. I must see about that.


[OOC] kannagara_gods February 15 2011, 07:49:22 UTC
Write up an ad and comment back here with the details of the shop and whatever else you'd like to include, and we'll include it in the next newsletter.


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