[video| week 17 day 1]

Jan 05, 2011 01:35

[It starts a bit shakily, focusing on a pile of books. The camera angle is fixed again, catching a glimmer of a silver haired man behind the stacks of books (cherry red reading glasses, a little ponytail and a bruised face, this is Gokudera, and you weren't meant to view him), focusing eventually to a bigger, colored version of the map everyone has ( Read more... )

~yamamoto takeshi, matt, ~sawada tsunayoshi, kinomoto sakura, hatake kakashi, asano rin, ~gokudera hayato, lavi, umino iruka

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[Video | Private] fedele_tempesta January 5 2011, 05:25:24 UTC
[The truth is Gokudera has been fighting pretty much constantly since arriving to Kannagara. But he's rarely so careless that the evidence of it could be seen from his face.

Being emotionally involved apparently makes him slightly sloppy.

Here, he'll blink, and venture a smile that is quite not as true as it should be. Tsuna will probably not like it when he hears about the reason for those bruises, right?]

....ah, well, something like that. It's just few bruises, though, nothing serious.


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[Video | Private] fedele_tempesta January 5 2011, 20:20:30 UTC
[Gokudera can bullshit with the best of them, sure. Nowadays he can. He has learned to lie convincingly as a part of his growing up process. However, Tsuna tends to have an edge on him because first of all, Gokudera doesn't want to lie to him, and Gokudera never really learned how to close off completely around Tsuna ( ... )


[Video] mistyredhead January 5 2011, 01:34:28 UTC
[Lavi scratches his cheek as he clicks to respond. How many, huh...? He does keep a track of who appears and who uses the network and approximate number, but people disappear without warning... It's something, though, isn't it?

He makes a thoughtful sound and tilts his head.]

Mmn, 'bout sixty, most likely a bit more than sixty, give or take a few. 'snot the easiest thing t'keep track of.


[Video] fedele_tempesta January 5 2011, 06:31:33 UTC
[Here's a nod, partially concealed by a stack of books. Of course he does realize this, but even a very vague idea of the number is better than none at all.]

Thanks. I do realize that it's probably not correct, but at least it gives me some kind of idea whether we're talking about tens or hundreds.


[Video] mistyredhead January 6 2011, 00:42:18 UTC
Nah, I think 'm pretty correct if I do say so myself. It's simply 'bout documentin' who's been 'bout the network, y'know. Handy thing, this Hitomi.

[He's not entirely boasting; he does honestly think he's got a very good grip on how many outsiders there are here. Unless some people just keep to themselves completely but that's a very rare thing. They would probably only be a couple.]


[Video] fedele_tempesta January 7 2011, 21:34:19 UTC
[Gokudera glances at the hitomi, amusement curving his mouth, brows quirking over cherry red reading glasses.]

...confident? [Good. The estimation is probably less incorrect that way.]

I suppose most would use this network, sure. You wouldn't happen to know anything about how the population is divided between the villages?


[text] revengeisalie January 5 2011, 04:40:43 UTC
[This post, it is relevant to Rin's interests.]

The number of "outsiders" is a bit hard to keep track of, but I think we're in the dozens.

That second point is a very good question. I've been wondering myself, but never gotten around to testing it out. If I remember correctly, I couldn't get any useful information one way or the other out of the natives.


[audio] fedele_tempesta January 5 2011, 06:51:30 UTC
[This just confirms it.]

Yeah, that's the impression I got as well.

Hmn... Perhaps the nomads would know something about it, considering they travel the country here and there. Generally speaking, if there would be just another country or something alike, the locals would know, and probably not feel compelled not to speak about it either, unless there are serious troubles...

[Pause, and a small sigh, almost like a yawn.]

But well...


[text] revengeisalie January 5 2011, 07:02:11 UTC
Yes, that would seem to be the case.

[Oh, plots brewing. Hmmm, plots.]


[voice] smiling_umino January 5 2011, 06:51:03 UTC
[Here's a friendly voice, and actually almost like he's… explaining a lecture.]

As far as outer lands look like, it's mostly inhabited. Before the appearance of the city, most of it had been unexplored lands, undisturbed habitats. I can safely tell you that the terrain resembled that of my home. Huge bodies of water, wild farms, rough terrains.

Since the appearance of the city, I do believe some of the caves are being used as mines for all the silver and gold we have around. Terrain has shifted to a accommodate the new cities.

[A pause.]

A little hard to tell. Probably best if you can get an aerial view. Not sure about the headcount of those like us but, I'm guessing there's a lot of us now.

Did you want to go out exploring?


[video] fedele_tempesta January 5 2011, 14:42:28 UTC
I see, so it's mostly a case of either lacking maps or simply nonexisting maps rather than anything mysterious.

[He nods from somewhere behind a stack of books.]

I'm not sure about exploring, perhaps with time. I'm merely trying to get my head around the premises, in a way of speaking. Numbers and facts, all those dreadful and boring things, basically.

[A glance towards the Hitomi, he narrows his eyes thoughtfully.]

I've seen you before. What's your name?


[video] smiling_umino January 5 2011, 17:51:26 UTC

[Iruka studies the face quick, just within a blink before lips curves upwards in an easy and disarming smile. The face is familiar to him too. Someone he's seen around the network ages ago, when he too had been a part of Kannagara.]

Iruka. Umino Iruka.

[A dip of his head.]

Last I remember, there had been nomads going around in groups. If there is anyone who probably know the unknown terrain better, it'd be them. They were pretty neutral back then. Though…

[A pause.]

Things have changed, I notice. Consider speaking to them, for your research.

[Smile, smile~]


[video] fedele_tempesta January 8 2011, 09:37:17 UTC
Things seem to have changed, yes. [Somewhat annoyed, a little worried, his tone of voice says it all rather openly. It's not meant to be hidden in the first place.

Sure he is used to being one black berry amongst many red ones but this is different. This is slavery and oppression.]


[A beat.]

Gokudera, that is my name. [No 'nice to meet you', useless rattle.] Thank you for the suggestions. I think I shall talk to the nomads.


[ video ] catchescards January 5 2011, 07:05:25 UTC

[It's that man again. But well, he is asking a question and Sakura did go out exploring for a while. Benefits of being able to fly. And what she's seen? Has her a little alarmed because Japan is definitely not this place.]

There aren't much buildings around. It's mostly just a lot of forests. Towns are very far from each other but… eto… it's a short distance walk. Does that help…?

[Don't line-face. She's trying to be nice back to you for helping before!]


[ video ] fedele_tempesta January 5 2011, 15:25:20 UTC
[He would line-face, honestly, if this would be someone else than a little girl bearing these useless facts, a little girl trying to help. This merely makes him awkward.

He worries teeth over a lip before reaching for the hitomi and switching on the recording function.]

Yeah, I know. It doesn't seem that there's a lot of else than uninhabited country side and few villages. Did you study the map, I hope this is not first-hand experience you're sharing here, having been lost and wandering around. Right?

[He rubs his neck, looking away for a moment. A sigh, and then back again with frown finally melting away. Look, he's trying, okay.]

Thanks, uh... hey, what's your name?


[ video ] catchescards January 5 2011, 16:47:24 UTC
No! No! Nothing like that!

[Shaking head, and hand. Denies it vehemently. Which means she's lying because she totally knows this firsthand. She did fly over head a few times. To look around you know. Here, she'll even laugh and then -- oh right, change the subject.]

Kinomoto Sakura. It's nice to meet you... uhmmm...


[ video ] fedele_tempesta January 8 2011, 09:13:40 UTC
Sakura uh... chan, you are in a village, yes? [With one brow quirked, Gokudera looks at her through the device with slight sense of threat hounding him at the back of his mind.

Perhaps he got so used to making sure Lambo is okay that this comes to him naturally now? You can't yell to a little girl like you yell to a stupid cow, though. So this is essentially different. ]


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