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Comments 14

[Reaction | Video] everadolescent November 1 2010, 18:52:27 UTC
[Road picks up the hitomi once the dream starts its broadcast simply because she's curious - and bored. Not much has been happening, so far as she can tell, but this ( ... )


[ voice ] I AM SORRY FOR THE HORRENDOUS LATE equivalentfaith November 12 2010, 10:07:34 UTC
[The shrill screaming of the Hitomi jolts him into awareness, and at first, he almost thinks that the sound is his. But it exists detached from, and a look at the Hitomi is enough to tell where it's coming from. It's never done that before. Strange, though everything about this world often is. It doesn't bode well, though Ed is not superstitious enough to believe in anything like that.

But the nightmare is still too fresh, too raw, and there's still something a little bit wild in his eyes, so when he chooses an option to respond, it's an audio.]

Wasn't me.

...You mean the noise or the dream?

[You'll get an answer for a first, but nothing for the second.]


[voice] everadolescent November 20 2010, 08:12:31 UTC
[She makes a rather disgruntled face at him.]

The noise.

[Then she looks mostly curious, though still quite annoyed.]

If it wasn't you... then what was it?


[voice] equivalentfaith November 21 2010, 06:30:30 UTC
The hell am I supposed to know?

[Grumpy snappishness right back atcha, Road.]

It's never made that noise at me before either!


[video] mightstealyrcar November 2 2010, 18:52:13 UTC
[Something's coming, and it's gonna be bad; it's hard for Matt not to believe that in the dark. He's sleeping, but restlessly, and he's aware of Ed's dream before he realizes it's a dream, and someone else's, and he startles awake with a gasp that's halfway to a sob, smelling the past burning, trying to untangle his thoughts from the nightmare. A gift that brings so many shadows with it, so much loss.]

Ed. You okay, man?

[Inadequate words, but what else is there to say?]


[ voice ] equivalentfaith November 12 2010, 10:15:14 UTC
[Matt. It's been awhile, hasn't it? He's been caught up in things lately, hasn't kept up with the network or the connections he'd made previously.

He would have preferred the revival of their contact to be different. These things...they're not exactly secrets, the things he's seen--just about anyone in the military that was familiar with the exploits of the Fullmetal Alchemist would be familiar with them--and the portions about his human transmutation are just vague enough not to make sense to anyone who wasn't Winry, Hawkeye, or Mustang. Still, they're...personal, and he's not happy with the Hitomi for showing them.]

...Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bad dream.


[ voice | private ] mightstealyrcar November 13 2010, 02:34:19 UTC
Um. Are they getting worse for you, too?

[Matt's almost gotten used to the V-aftermath dreams, the ones whose intensity has faded somewhat over the last couple of weeks. He can deal with waking up missing Mello and J. Waking up screaming? Not so much.]


[reaction/voice] firebornfidelis November 2 2010, 22:51:11 UTC
[It's strange for her, half asleep and waking to a dream that isn't hers. And worse as she realizes it belongs to someone she knows. She doesn't recognize all the faces and voices, all the incidents, doesn't understand everything she sees, but she knows who this dream belongs to somehow, knows it is Edward's before it becomes obvious. Her breath catches near the end, as if she is choking on the smoke herself ( ... )


[voice] equivalentfaith November 12 2010, 10:28:51 UTC
[Hawkeye...Ed feels a bit more comfortable with someone like her having seen this dream than Matt or that stranger earlier. Even though most of the information in that dream was public knowledge--all except the most obscure portions toward the end--it was easier, having it be someone who knew those other things. The private things the dream teased at, but did not exactly reveal.

But there's not much to say. He's awake now, a bit tired from the sudden wakefulness in the middle of the night and acutely aware that something is off, but he doesn't know what.]

It's fine, Lieutenant. Was just a nightmare.


[ reaction ] snapandspark November 3 2010, 20:03:46 UTC
[ These things. Roy's been watching the network and he's seen these things called dreams. He's learned not to touch them, lest the emotions wrapped up within them consume him, causing these things, terrible things to grasp at his mind. He doesn't need to hold the device to see what's going on here.

'Alchemist, be thou for the people'

It's a ridiculous line. Something he learned in that war where he scorched people, people that should have been spared, people that looked so innocent and scared and human. People he might have gotten along with, if it weren't for the fact they stood on opposite sides of the battlefield ( ... )


[ voice ] snapandspark November 3 2010, 20:09:24 UTC
[A life that is dictated by alchemy. Alchemist have power. Alchemist can do many things--most think they can do anything, because it's right there in a book.

He's not sorry Ed's seen these things. He had to see them sooner or later. Whether the kid likes it or not, his soul is in the hands of the military until he breaks his ties. Even then... there's little chance anything will be right after.

He finally picks it up, long after it's over, ignoring the shrill cries of the device they've been given.]

How enlightening, Fullmetal. [He doesn't explain himself and he's not baiting him. Just a light observation.]


[ voice ] equivalentfaith November 12 2010, 10:33:36 UTC
[...Something about hearing that particular voice raises his hackles right away. It's not that there was anything in this dream that Mustang didn't already know about, and all things figured, it's definitely not the worst thing he could have seen.

But still, it annoys him, and what Mustang has to say, even if he's not purposely trying to bait him, gets under his skin.]

Glad to be of service. [Ground out irritably]

Good night for psychological voyeurism, isn't it? Stupid piece of shit...


[video] gonnabe1st November 4 2010, 02:49:59 UTC
[He remembers. He remembers seeing some of these things. The house, and later, the ruins of it. He remembers Ed's outrage about Nina's fate, remembers the siblings' memories of their attempt to bring their mother back to life. But what can he say? What can he say to this Ed that will make anything any better? This isn't his little brother. It's not. Not even adopted, not the one who taught him the value of family in the first place.

So what can he say?

They're still both just as hung up about all their failures and shortcomings and mistakes, in their own way, and he knows, but what does knowing help if you can't fix it?

He only barely faces the screen when he finally decides to speak up.]

Hey. You alright over there?

[He'll say he's alright. And Mello already knows that Ed has dreams like this often, that they're bad, but he's never actually witnessed one. Still. It's the only thing he can ask, isn't it?]


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