In this dimension, dreams will be utilized to allow the inhabitants of the world to learn more about themselves, each other, what it means to be human, and their relationship to nature and the gods. There are several ways that dreams will manifest in this world.
1. Dream Posts/Viewable Dreams
Dream Posts are dreams that are viewable only through the Hitomi, posted onto the network community. When a dreamer dreams anywhere in the world, the dream is broadcasted through the Hitomi network. Anyone who watches the dream will experience the dreamer's emotions while watching the dream if they are touching the Hitomi. If they are not touching the Hitomi, the dream can be watched as a mini-movie.
Alternatively, if someone is generally kind enough to mind people’s privacy, they can instead dream together with the dreamer. For example, they will either experience it through the dreamer, through another character in the dream, or from the side just watching but unable to influence anything. When they wake, they will find their Hitomi glued to their hand until they give a meaningful response of some sorts. This is because the gods’ purpose with the dreams is to create an understanding between characters, so a character who is too polite to watch them will find this happening to them to make the purpose of the dreams work.
Dreams can only be responded to within 14 in-game days of the dream being posted. After that time, the dream is locked and characters will not be able to respond to the dreams. However, they will be able to still view them.
2. Dream Logs/Interactive Dreams
Dreams are a little more complicated, and are posted to the log community. When your character has an intense, emotional, or otherwise important dream (or a dream that is simply hilariously funny, angry, absurd or any other kind of heightened emotion), the dream will actually manifest in the real world. For example, if your character is dreaming that they are fighting on a battlefield, the world around them will change into a battlefield, with your character lying in the middle of the dream, as the fighting goes on around them.
Your character will have two different manifestations in a dream:
1. Their physical body, which will be asleep unless it is woken up by someone.
2. Their dream self, which will be acting out the dream itself. The dream self, as well as any other NPCs in the dream, is completely unaware that the physical body even exists.
Any other character can enter this dream and interact with your character’s dream self. This character will either fall asleep at entering and waking up as an own dream manifestation, or stay awake and be aware that they have entered a dream; this is up to the player! Or, alternatively, up to you who post the dream to decide which will happen to whoever enters.
3. Merged Dreams
If your character and another character dream too closely in proximity to each other, and both dreams manifest in the real world, sometimes these dreams can merge. Usually this will be represented by a Merged Dream Log posted to the log community in which one or more characters will interact through their dreams.
When a Merged Dream occurs, a barrier is constructed around the dreams so no one can enter the Merged Dream itself to interact with the dreamers. Characters can, however, sometimes pass through the barrier in the physical world and physically wake one of the dreamers up (with permission from the player). If this occurs, the dreamer will be knocked out of the Merged Dream. We generally do not recommend this though, as the gods frown on such rude behavior, and waking a dreamer up during an important Merged Dream may result in repercussions to your character, such as having a particularly embarrassing dream revealed.
Merged Dream Logs are sometimes viewable through the Hitomi. Whether or not they are viewable is decided by the players.
4. Themed Dreams
Themed dream events will have the parameters set before the beginning of the event, and all dreams during this event must follow that theme. If it’s not a theme that you, as the mun, do not wish to write then there is no consequence for simply not participating in this type of dream event. However, in the case of mass-merged dreams, we strongly suggest participation by all players.
Mass merged dreams will be instruments used by the gods to further their own side of the ongoing conflict between the gods and as such, the characters can participate on either side of the dream. Interactions within the dreams will be conducted as if each character were bodily there, within the dream-realm, and will not affect their physical form. Death in the dream events will lead to waking up only. No PC’s will have to undergo kittinification for killing another PC within the dream.