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Comments 30

su_chan January 1 2007, 12:54:15 UTC
ostras! he baixat el dj de KuroFay i m'ha agradat moltissim!!!!! es molt bo i pr0n! XDDDD

Feliç Any Nou!!!


kanharu January 2 2007, 00:29:32 UTC
Su-chan!!! XD feliç any now!!!!!!! ^^'' l'has llegit? ai mare meua ^/////^ hehe, potser em passo una mica...ehem...
moltes gracies per llegir-lo i per comentar!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaa!! el teu ava es una canya!!! m'encantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! ^^
et desitjo el milloret per este 2007 que acaba de neixer!!!


su_chan January 2 2007, 09:26:27 UTC
si que l'he llegit XDDDD i m'ha fet molta gracia, esta ple de detalls, com en Syaoran preocupat pq s'havien quedat sols i la burrada d'hotels, toma indirecta!! XDD

La linea que en Fay li diu que si no sap per on començar es impagable XDDDD

La veritat es que no hi ha molts doujis 'porn enough' d'aq parell T_T


kanharu January 2 2007, 11:31:28 UTC
hehehe!! moltes gràcies, de tot cor!! la primera persona catalana que llegeix els meus pobrets doj!!! XDXDXD!!!!! quina ilusioooó!!! aquestes escenes són les meues preferides també ;) Vaig pensar que Fay havia de ser un d'aquells ukes que disfruten molestant al seme mwahaha!!
tens raó >_> no n'he llegit més que un parell i eres soft yaoi...^^ suposo k per això m'han agafat ganes de dibuixar-ne io
... )


vanyel_ash January 4 2007, 12:14:18 UTC
U know, I must be a total idiot. Haven't been checking LJ regularly recently coz of the lousy connection n my laziness. So I rem u telling me that u've finished the Kuro x Fai DJ(if I'm not wrong, I read it in ur pm or smthg when I woke up in the middle of the night at like 3am or smthg. XDD) n I was waiting n waiting for u to post it on ur thread in aarin n forgot to check here. Niwae, as usual, my connection is still screwy, but I'll try n see if I can get all 3 Djs. Woohoo!!! 3 new DJs at one go. *bliss* I'll comment back here again after I read them. ^_~


vanyel_ash January 4 2007, 22:04:15 UTC
Alright!!!! I've finished reading all 3 n they're SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! I especially love the KuroxFai and TouyaxYukito one. (Simply becoz, I'm not familiar with the MP characters. Only watched 1 episode.) Niwae, I love how the KuroxFai one is inserted with humor, so cute!!! U got the flavour of the original(n Mokona is choooo kawaii!!!). Really great job. As for the Touya one, OMG, I must say, I TOTALLY, TOTALLY LOOOOOVE that 2nd last scene, where Touya was thinking about Yukito's smile. That panel where Yukito was giving a very gentle smile(at the bottom of the page...the nxt page was another sweet n heartwarming one with Yukito resting in Touya's arms...the last page I think.). Hope u know what I am toking abt. That SMILE was just soooooooooo gorgeous!!! Omg...it was really fantastic my friend. R u going to sell these two???


kanharu January 5 2007, 19:08:10 UTC
XDXDXD!!! I'm soo happy you liked thm!! especially Kuro x Fai hehe!!! It was made because of you lol so: Thaaaaank you very much for reading and comment!!!! *huuugs tightly* *_* uaaaah...I work hard in those two dj, especially in the Touya x Yukito one, cos the relationship between them is so...innocent...I didn't want to break it but aarghh...couldn't hold back and I send both to bed lol ^^'''
oh yes! this smile was like a sudden and quick sketch ^^ I liked it and then I just added the screentones (but I'm bad at this >_>) Tha last pages are my favorites too ^^ I'm soooo happy!!!! *jumps and dances* sankyuuuuu!!! your comments make me feel more confident!!! maybe it's good to overwork!!! yay!!! *hugs again*
selling them? oh, I dunno! it's too early, I think I have to improve more! anyway my mom tells me to publish an anthology or something similar with all the dj I did ^^''' what an advice...but I'm 30 already, I guess I have to hurry! >_


kanharu January 5 2007, 19:00:22 UTC
noooo! I'm so baka I haven't tell you!!! and I'm so lazy I still have to update at aarin >_>'''' so baka!!! no worries!! XD you made my day reading them *huuugs*


mercebymar January 4 2007, 14:54:44 UTC
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMFG!!!!!!!! >______< Yuki & Touya DJ!!! Kuro and Fai DJ!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! And they are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I'm so loving you right now!!!!! *weeeeeeeeeeeeeee* *dances happily happy around the room* You're so good at the "climax" scenes!!! >_____< You made me blush!!!! XD Thanks soooooooo much for drawing this and sharing with us!!!! And you added a lot of fanart as well!!!! My favorite one is the last one!!! Really amazing job as always!!!!! YAAAY!!! *smooooches* >.<


kanharu January 5 2007, 19:14:59 UTC
*Bluuuush* ^/////////////^OOOMMMGG!!! so embarrassing!!!! hehe!! sankyuuuu my imotto! for reading them, for loving meeee! I love you looots too ^_^ I'm sooo happy I can read your postXD!!! and you liked them *_* so touched! *hugs and kisses* oh my!!! you are so nice, *scratches her head* such a cool comments ^^'' the last one is from Oki Mamiya *_* from Demyan Syndrome XD!! I love this manga ^^ thanks a buuuunch again!!!! smoooches back *dances with Mar-chan happy!!*


crafty_boy January 9 2007, 14:47:41 UTC
Wow! Bikkurishita! (O_O) You made some doujinshi!? XD Sugoi!! I'll definitely download it. THANK YOU, Kanharu! *hugs* You're so amazing. I wish I could have even a bit of artistic talent. (-_-;)

I hope your new year 2007 will be filled with a lot of happy joyful moments! :-)


kanharu January 10 2007, 14:33:51 UTC
^_^ hehe! Bikkurista? lol demo yokatta ne, anata koko ni! (how is it in japanese? oh my...I have lots to learn =_=) I'm very happy you comment here sankyu ^_^ dou itashi mashite!!! I had no idea if you liked those charas from marginal prince...anyway I decided to do this DJ for you ^^ hope you like it!! *blush* I'm not good at all, I'm just the enthusiastic type hehe! and I enjoy drawing fanart for my pals ^_^
thanks for your good wishes *hugs* the same for you!! you merit to be happy!!!
*^_______^* ja ne!


anonymous August 29 2012, 02:41:30 UTC
Links off :/ ~ SNIF!


kanharu May 18 2013, 12:04:15 UTC
I'll update as soon as possible! sorry! I have been off during years! 0.0,,,


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