New/old fandom squee

Mar 15, 2010 23:10

I've just acquired and started watching The Legend of Robin Hood (the 1975 mini-series with Paul Darrow as the Sheriff of Nottingham (!!) and someone who looks like Brian Blessed but probably isn't as Sir Guy) and it is brilliant. I am only an episode an a half in, but I am riveted. To be honest, I only bought it because it was a fiver and because ( Read more... )

episode review, via ljapp

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Comments 3

executrix March 15 2010, 23:42:25 UTC
And Prince John is Ford Prefect!

I thought that the series is pretty much Robin Hood and his Chronically Depressed Men. However, it's definitely the version I used for my Firefly crossover.


kangeiko March 22 2010, 17:59:07 UTC
And Prince John is Ford Prefect!

LOL I totes missed that, I am gonna have to check this out!

I thought that the series is pretty much Robin Hood and his Chronically Depressed Men.

Mwah, I haven't quite got to the Merry Men yet, although we have met Will Scarlet and Bloke With Stump, who I assume gets a name at some point. (He may well already have a name, I was too busy gawking at Stump to really register much.)

However, it's definitely the version I used for my Firefly crossover.

You have a FF/RH crossover?? Linky pls!

(I have no RH icon. I do have a Servalan icon, and the Paul Darrow link allows me to use it. SO THERE.)


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kangeiko March 22 2010, 18:01:43 UTC
No, you should totally give it a go, I really like it. It seems to be more concerned with politics than with gadding about in tights, which is a good thing. (I'm not really a big fan of the tights...)


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