Old fandom geek-out (B5 & TOS)

Jul 04, 2009 23:54

I had a lovely time on Thursday, finally having that long-delayed dinner with mizzykitty. After far too much sushi, we went back to mine to mainline B5 (she hasn't seen it! A possible new convert, hallelujah!) and geek out. It was ever so much fun, and it got me thinking.

B5 S1 waffling )

meta, days out, episode review, night out, star trek, babylon 5

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Comments 9

mizzykitty July 5 2009, 00:28:22 UTC
Hurray, I had a fab time too! :)

It was totally an ass probe and you know it! And ALL those people are totally having sex with each other! I think my favorite ep (despite the rampant ridiculousness and that guy totally turning into Dr. Manhattan minus blue penis) is the one with Walter Koenig. Because damn, those psy corps people are BAMFs!

I *love* my ST boxsets! They're so pretty. I love the metal cases. I love the remastered stuff. I love how unbelievably hot and sexy Kirk and Spock are!!

You know what drives me nuts about some fics? When people depict altered Spock as being this like, rage filled rapist type person. I'm like come on! In naked time, he gets just as fucked up as everyone else, but all he ends up doing is crying over his mommy!! He's probably like the least aggressive person on the ship ( ... )


kangeiko July 6 2009, 21:15:06 UTC
Because damn, those psy corps people are BAMFs!

I totally have to find those old fics where all they seem to be doing is shagging each other telepathically. I remember them being quite, erm, memorable back when I was young and impressionable...


selenak July 5 2009, 08:03:05 UTC
My own fanon for Kharn Mollari, given that he gets never mentioned again, was that he was returned with limbs intact, but then found on Centauri Prime everyone blamed him for making that speech, no matter the duress, and got ostracized so much that he did the Roman/Centauri thing and committed suicide. This contributed to Londo's bitterness and later readiness to turn against Emperor Turhan, but hadn't happened yet at the time of Born to the Purple.

I never could stand Ironheart. It's interesting that the very last Bester episode in s5 has a similar plot - he tracks down a rogue superpowerful teep, with younger sidekicks in tow - only this time we're not in the B5 crew's viewpoint but in the Psi Corps' viewpoint.

Flirtatious Uhura: I had rewatched the relevant clips on YouTube recently as people had linked them to point out that Orci & Kurtzman didn't come out of nowhere the the Spock/Uhura for the reboot. When she teases him in Charlie X, he's downright smiling a little smile (and playing along, literally), so yes, he's ( ... )


kangeiko July 6 2009, 21:18:04 UTC
I love your Kharn backstory, it makes total sense. *steals it for personal fanon*

so yes, he's absolutely comfortable with her. Poor Christine.

Christine is one character whose story post-Enterprise I would love to read. Hers, and Rand's, too. I was recently rewatching an early ep... The Corobomite Manouever, maybe? Kirk comments to Bones, "when I get hold of the bright spark at HQ who decided to assign me a female yeoman..." and McCoy retorts, "what's the matter, don't trust yourself, Captain?"

Which, given the events of "The Enemy Within"...


selenak July 7 2009, 13:13:18 UTC
Given we never see a male yeoman (except for Sisko, ha ha), I found that line confusing even as a child before I wisened up on gender issues.

Rand's post-E life: I know fanon has her losing a child (and Peter David gave her that backstory in The Captain's Daughter, too), but on screen we just had her appearance in the Voyager ep with Tuvok's flashbacks. Still, those tell us she served as an officer on the Excelsior.


amatara July 5 2009, 09:49:19 UTC
"Sabre Rattling"? That does sound strange. I much prefer "Midnight" - one of the things I love about B5 is the (sometimes exaggeratedly) lyrical episode titles, and "Sabre Rattling" hardly fits in there.

I've never seriously tried re-watching B5's first season - made some half-hearted attempts, but gave up pretty quickly. Not that there isn't some good stuff in there, but thinking of the emotional roller-coaster that was the rest of the show, s1 only got me mildly interested the second time over. Even the Londo/G'Kar setup failed to snag me - to be honest, I didn't really fall for Londo until halfway in s2, and upon rewatch that was no different. It must be the hair - I hate that s1 hairdo with a passion that cannot be imagined. Same for Vir's s1 hair, actually ( ... )


kangeiko July 6 2009, 21:22:17 UTC
Oh, really? I like the S1 hair, I find it very indicative of Londo's state of mind! As he grows in power and stature, his hair becomes sleeker and more polished. My own personal fanon is that Centauri hair is much like ye olden times geisha hair, requiring several hours of careful work and wires and unguents etc etc, all of which cost a lot of money (and how easy would it be to find a good hair dresser on B5 - for Centauri hair - anyway?). Much like his clothes at the time, Londo doesn't seem to want to put in the time and effort. His whole demeanour, and quarters, and retinue, are reflective of the Centauri at this stage: formerly grand, now rather shabby.

squeed so much over Koenig's Bester that I kept getting this one-foot-wide grin on my face whenever he was on screen, which is hardly good for one's concentration.

Right there with you on the Bester squee!

Also, re-watching TOS made me remember watching these episodes the very first time around, on BBC, when I was a starry-eyed 14-year-old teenager (meaning my English was hardly ( ... )


jenepel July 5 2009, 22:49:17 UTC
Hey this is Jenn from mizzykitty's party. I hope you don't mind me adding you! I wanted to ask if it was you talking about the older women characters fanfic challenge? I have a friend who is a huge Jane Seymour fan who it would be perfect for.


kangeiko July 6 2009, 21:22:59 UTC
Hiya! *adds back* The ficathon you're looking for is matrithon: it's taking prompts until July 15, then it's sign-ups after that!


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