15 Awesome Women (who aren't 25 or wearing short skirts)

May 27, 2009 14:54

I managed to slice my finger open on bread. On bread, people. I do not appreciate being defeated by my lunch ( Read more... )

fandom, west wing, comics, alias, films, carnivale, star trek, bsg, rome, harry potter

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Comments 7

darlas_mom May 27 2009, 15:32:19 UTC
You forgot some!


kangeiko May 27 2009, 15:34:03 UTC
I totally did, I know. *g* So write for the others!!


selenak May 27 2009, 19:05:50 UTC
Great post about great women. (Also, you really need to watch Sian Philipps as Livia because it is an awesome, awesome performance.) And go for mentioning Lwaxana! (It irritates me beyond belief when she gets dismissed.)

The only Voyager season I have on DVD is season 4 which Is All About The Janeway/Seven. :)


kangeiko May 27 2009, 23:05:56 UTC
(Also, you really need to watch Sian Philipps as Livia because it is an awesome, awesome performance.)

And you so very kindly provided the entire series for me!! *g* I have packed it to take to Zambia - I am having a quiet few days there to just chill and hang out, and this will be perfect for that, I think. Thank you again, honey. *smooch*

And go for mentioning Lwaxana! (It irritates me beyond belief when she gets dismissed.)

Lwaxana is awesome! I had a bit of a moment the other day when I realised that we lost the Voice of the Fleet, Lwaxana AND Nurse Chapel when we lost Majel. :(

The only Voyager season I have on DVD is season 4 which Is All About The Janeway/Seven. :) I'm spending my pennies on DSN, and torrenting VOY. :) Although I am completist, so I shall probably have to end up buying that too, phoey. I don't know if it's in S4, but there's a great scene where Seven has a conversation about dating with Janeway, who informs her that it's really something she should try in totally 'this is your cue, Seven' sort of way. She ( ... )


raedbard May 27 2009, 20:12:51 UTC
I have only read the book, not watched the series yet (I AM A BAD FAN; I am taking it to Zambia with me to watch in peace and quiet...), but in the book she is pant-wettingly awesome.
Oh wow, are you in for a treat when you get round to watching the series. Sian Philips is a goddess. Evil *and* heartbreaking at the same time. (Oh, and Margaret Tyzack's Antonia is a sight to see. A+)

And Irisssss. Yes. Amy Madigan shot to the top of my list of people I will watch anything for after Carnivale. Appallingly hard to write, but rewarding. *g*


kangeiko May 27 2009, 23:07:22 UTC
Oh wow, are you in for a treat when you get round to watching the series. Sian Philips is a goddess. Evil *and* heartbreaking at the same time. (Oh, and Margaret Tyzack's Antonia is a sight to see. A+)

I have been saving it for a quiet moment, I am so looking forward to it!

And Irisssss. Yes. Amy Madigan shot to the top of my list of people I will watch anything for after Carnivale. Appallingly hard to write, but rewarding. *g*

I do love her so. And I know what you mean about writing her, it's so easy to get these surface bits, but practically impossibly to get beneath that. She scares me too much!


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kangeiko May 27 2009, 23:07:46 UTC
Oooh, I have not heard of Sons of Anarchy, tell me more!


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