Watchmen, thought and fic rec

Mar 23, 2009 22:38

Something has been bugging ever since seeing Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian, and I've just figured out what it is. In costume, cigar in mouth, grinning, he looks just like the late, great, Raul Julia, in either The Addams Family or in StreetfighterYou think I'm crazy but, seriously. Look at a close-up of him grinning into the camera, without ( Read more... )

comics, fic rec

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Comments 20

mizzykitty March 24 2009, 00:23:06 UTC
JDM seems to look like a lot of people (Robert Downey Jr, Javier Bardem). I'm not really sure why. I still think he's hotter than the rest of them though.

No Rorschach/Nite Owl fic recs? Argh-eth! I kind of like the idea of a Rorschach/Comedian fic. I like in the GN when Veidt calls Comedian a Nazi and Rorschach totally stands up for him. It makes me want to draw little hearts around them.

Genderbender fic makes me scared, but I'll give it a go cause you recced it. :)


kangeiko March 24 2009, 00:47:00 UTC
JDM seems to look like a lot of people (Robert Downey Jr, Javier Bardem). I'm not really sure why. I still think he's hotter than the rest of them though.

I find I only like JDM as a bad guy or psychopath. He creeps me out no end in Grey's Anatomy, but I really liked him unhinged as the Comedian.

No Rorschach/Nite Owl fic recs? Argh-eth! I kind of like the idea of a Rorschach/Comedian fic. I like in the GN when Veidt calls Comedian a Nazi and Rorschach totally stands up for him. It makes me want to draw little hearts around them.

Hee! Well, there's loads of Ror/NO fics out there, and I've only read... three. OK, maybe ten. But still not enough to make any judgements! I read a couple Comedian/Ror fics, actually, and one was rather good, it was at the watchmen fic archive and was sorta sweet in intent but vaguely creepy given, well, it;s the Comedian and Rorschach. So - mission accomplished, I suppose.

Genderbender fic makes me scared, but I'll give it a go cause you recced it. :)I'm a big fan of genderbend, especially if done ( ... )


mizzykitty March 24 2009, 01:12:49 UTC
Oh yeah, Grey's is *shudder* and the character is pretty nauseating. But still, it's JDM...XD Don't mind me, I'm obsessed. I'll always love him best as John Winchester. If you like him as the bad guy, you'll probably be looking forward to The Resident, then? It's a new film where he's some psycho creepy bad guy, with Hilary Swank. I'm definitely intrigued! I love it when he's bad, too!

Ooo, got a link for the sweet yet creepy one? I think there is no way those two are together and it isn't the creepiest thing ever, but I love that sort of thing. haha! a normal girl body...*twitch*


kangeiko March 24 2009, 20:08:07 UTC
I'll always love him best as John Winchester.

*shrug* I never did get into Supernatural. I really did try, I made it into a quarter of the way into season 2, but it just didn't do it for me.

If you like him as the bad guy, you'll probably be looking forward to The Resident, then? It's a new film where he's some psycho creepy bad guy, with Hilary Swank. I'm definitely intrigued! I love it when he's bad, too!

Oh, I hadn't heard of that one, I'll definitely check it out!

Ooo, got a link for the sweet yet creepy one? I think there is no way those two are together and it isn't the creepiest thing ever, but I love that sort of thing. haha!

Voila! a normal girl body...*twitch*Less girl, more middle-aged woman. A body-snatcher walks off with his body and leaves him alone... after taking a few liberties with the now female!Erik. The fic's about female!Erik trying to cope in this new body, and, er, he's not doing so good. Meanwhile, his old body is off wreaking havoc. So. It's not finished, which is a shame, but I thought it ( ... )


numinicious March 24 2009, 02:17:12 UTC
I have been desperately searching for good NO1/NO2 fic. Any recs? :D


kangeiko March 26 2009, 22:03:06 UTC
Strangely, I haven't seem any NOI/NOII slash... I know, odd, right? Have a look here: - they might have something posted in response to some of the kinks.


bluerosefairy March 24 2009, 02:54:24 UTC

Sorry, that's just been bothering me for so long, looking at the promos and going "who the hell does he remind me of?", and YES. It's Raul Julia as Gomez, with the cigar. Really, this is a win-win situation, as both of them are hot as hell.

(Off to read that genderbendy fic.)


kangeiko March 26 2009, 22:04:48 UTC
I had such a crush on Raul Julia when I was younger, ever since I saw him in The Addams Family. I could totally see why he & Morticia were so involved in each other. I remember when my baby brother wanted to see Streetfighter and, I, as the diligent and caring older sister took him - and didn't hate it as much as is expected, simply because Raul Julia was being a bad guy and levitating. *sigh*


bluerosefairy March 27 2009, 02:51:31 UTC
He was the sole reason I went with my friend and her annoying little brother and five of her annoying little brother's annoying little friends to see Streetfighter.

I, too, had a total crush on Gomez as a kid, and remember being jealous of Wednesday because he found her in the mausoleum, picked her up, and took her back home. I never hated Morticia, strangely enough - he was just so, so in love with her.


kangeiko March 31 2009, 21:13:28 UTC
Man oh man, do you remember the tango scene in Addams Family Values? I loved that scene. There was something obscenely attractive about that man...


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