Fire Sale (all fic must go)

Oct 07, 2008 23:35

I can't sign up for any challenges other than yuletide . This is for my sanity. BUT. wingsmith is trying to make sure I write something every week, as this will help with the not!crazy. So, ficlets are on offer for those who fancy something. No real fandom preference, so try your luck with anything I've written before, or any new fandom you'd like me to have a go ( Read more... )

fic: firefly, fic: alias, fic: deadwood, drabbles

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Comments 17

__marcelo October 7 2008, 22:59:28 UTC
Hmmm. What about River Tam during Simon and Kaylee's weeding? *g*


kangeiko October 7 2008, 23:00:49 UTC
Is that 'wedding' or 'weeding'? :)


__marcelo October 7 2008, 23:02:31 UTC
Oops! 'Wedding', sorry.


Firefly ficlet: Dajin kangeiko October 7 2008, 23:19:56 UTC
Kaylee looks full and ripe in her bridal finery. There is a heavy curtain of thick, creamy beads hanging free in front of her face, framed by dark hair and red flowers. She has been wrapped in all of Inara's red silks and they trail, over-long and awkward-looking, as she walks carefully down the length of the cargo-hold. There aren't enough guests to make this a wedding, not really; still, River knows her part. She follows the bride respectfully, parasol extended over Kaylee's beribboned head to shield her from any vengeful demons that may take it in themselves to look down and snatch her. She understands her duty in this, symbolic though the protection may be, and will fulfil it down to the letter. She cannot risk any other option; they are too few of them left, in any case.


bluerosefairy October 7 2008, 23:09:24 UTC
I'm on a total Alias kick - watched some of S3 and am attempting to convert carla_scribbles with pretty pictures of Lena Olin (has begun to work mwahahaha).

So, could I please have Jack/Irina, with the prompt "queen"?


Alias ficlet: Ode to Normalcy kangeiko October 7 2008, 23:42:12 UTC
More Irina than Irina/Jack, and it's been a while since I wrote them, but, anyway -


Ode to Normalcy

When you were a child, you lived on the fourth floor of a ten-storey apartment block in one of the newer areas of the city, above an incontinent woman and a man with only one leg. You think that perhaps the first floor was occupied by the caretaker and his family, but you don't really remember ever actually seeing the caretaker around. Like most of the men, he was present only through photographs on immaculately clean shelves and tables and a toddler eating warm bread on the block steps. His wife - caretaker in all but name - was the one that took care of the communal garden and of the stairways, and she was the one that organised all the block's children into a team of caterpillar-exterminators. At that tender age, you did not yet know about caterpillars and butterflies; all you knew was that the prized magnolia tree was being devoured by an infestation and so you - like all the rest - would have to shimmy up and across the thin ( ... )


Re: Alias ficlet: Ode to Normalcy bluerosefairy October 7 2008, 23:48:01 UTC
*flails* Oh, thank you! This is gorgeous, the layers you've given Irina here. Caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly, stomped into the ground by a child without the slightest idea of what would happen.

Absolutely lovely.

Shall use my icon of another dangerous Russian named Irina, as do not have an Irina Derevko icon. Hmm, must remedy that.


Re: Alias ficlet: Ode to Normalcy kangeiko October 8 2008, 13:27:19 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! I haven't written Irina for so long, so it was a bit of a challenge. And my Soviet history isn't what it used to be, so I'm plundering my own upbringing for source material harder than ever.

Shall use my icon of another dangerous Russian named Irina, as do not have an Irina Derevko icon. Hmm, must remedy that.

Yes, you must! There are a squillion brilliant icons of Irina out there, although I warn you that quite a few are spoilery if you haven't seen past S3. How are you liking it, btw? S2 and S4 are my favourite. :)


watergal October 7 2008, 23:51:05 UTC
Wow! You're fast!

Deadwood? Anything here that strikes a chord: Jane gen, Jane/Alma fascination, Jane/Bill worship, Seth/Sol, Seth/temper, Jane & Charlie on each others nerves with love, Jane & Doc one each others nerves almost as bad.

Not that I like Jane much...


kangeiko October 7 2008, 23:55:01 UTC
*g* It is 1am here, so I shall have to head to bed as it is a school night - but will write you some Deadwood fic tomorrow, I promise. :) *note to self: rewatch Deadwood tomorrow, must not embarrass self*


Deadwood Ficlet: Blind Faith kangeiko October 8 2008, 20:12:00 UTC
OK. You, uh, ended up with a mix of a whole bunch of those, in the end, but it's nominally Jane/Bill worship ( ... )


watergal October 9 2008, 02:10:03 UTC
Eeeeeeee! Thank you! This is wonderful, and so much of what I love about Jane Deadwood rolled up into one package.

Jane calling the Lord a bastard...not exactly in a bad way, her complete disregard for social conventions of what is clean and unclean.

And the understated Bill & Charlie, and Jane & Bill, and Jane & Hard Knocks, and the almost blink-and-you-miss it Seth/Sol...just gah!

And Charlie sounds just perfect--awkward, uncomfortable--not even sure if he's wanted--yet determined to do the right thing regardless.

Really, really delightful, though it makes me homesick for Deadwood in the best possible way.


kangeiko October 10 2008, 19:34:30 UTC
I'm so glad you like it! (Although, reading it over, I now see all the typos - curses, lj and it's lack of auto-correct!!)

And I'm now rewatching Deadwood as a result of this.


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