Grumpy k

Jan 17, 2008 14:09

Everyone is squeeing over the James Marsters appearance in Torchwood. Having neither a past nor present interest in Torchwood, I did not watch it, so this journal is devoid of squee on that account. queenspanky and I did watch episodes 6 and 7 of S1 of The Wire last night, though, and an embargo on spoilers is now in place. Anyone who spoils me for any Wire ( Read more... )

news, gender, science, politics

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Comments 2

kayliemalinza January 17 2008, 17:52:25 UTC
It's like trying to be friends with the belligerent large kid in the corner who'll call you names but still demand to be invited over for tea. I am not impressed.

Yep, that's about right. But I hope you remember (and I know you do) that there are plenty of Americans who are endlessly ashamed of the fact, and who don't contribute to the U.S. bully-policy. You could argue that I'm contributing by not fight against it, but that's unfair, imo. Not everyone has to be hyper-involved in politics and world affairs, yaknow? Anyway, this comment could go on forever, but i have to run to class in the next 30 or be late. Byeeeee!


kangeiko January 18 2008, 12:34:42 UTC
But I hope you remember (and I know you do) that there are plenty of Americans who are endlessly ashamed of the fact, and who don't contribute to the U.S. bully-policy.

It's not the people, just the administration, always the administration. But it's the US administration wanting to be friends with the Uk administration, meanwhile everyone else spends their time being pissed off. *sigh*

Anyways, old topic, old rant on my part. I cannot wait until November. (Because you guys at least get an election. Gordon bloody Brown keeps swiping ours away every chance he gets, the bastard.)


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