Yuletide Reveal!

Jan 01, 2008 19:48

I had such fun at Yuletide this year! Both in the run-up and then doing pinch-hitting and making little stocking fillers. So, thank you elynross and astolat for a fantastic fest!

I wrote the following fics:

- main fic:
The Gift Trap for chaosmanor
Coupling (UK): Steve tries to avoid falling into the gift trap.

- pinch-hitter:
This Be the Verse for Apathy
Read more... )

yuletide, fic: other, fic: warren ellis comics, night out, nyr

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Comments 4

htbthomas January 1 2008, 20:22:02 UTC
Just coming to fangirl over "The Gift Trap" -- one of the best laughs I had this week!


kangeiko January 2 2008, 19:06:30 UTC
*blush* Thank you so much! I had such fun writing it (even the bits where I was running into the living room every ten minutes to ask my flatmate, "is it funny now???")!


chaosmanor January 3 2008, 11:05:22 UTC
I also have dropped in here to fangirl over The Gift Trap. Thank you so much for writing such a hilarious and wonderful story.


kangeiko January 3 2008, 18:48:10 UTC
*blushes like a mad thing* Thank you so much, I am so glad you enjoyed it! I had great fun writing it. :)


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