I have the bestest friends

Dec 13, 2007 17:44

Big, big *HUGS* to selenak, who is facilitating my introduction to Old Who with her wonderful gift, "Remembrance of the Daleks". I am reliably informed that I will love Ace. :) Thank you so much, sweetie, you are the best! *smooches*

ETA: And now 'The Curse of Fenric', too! You spoil me sooo much! *smooches*

thank you, christmas, presents

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Comments 4

darlas_mom December 13 2007, 20:20:53 UTC
Oh, oh, oh, ACE! I love Ace! I miss her terribly!

You're going to love it. :-)


kangeiko December 16 2007, 20:20:28 UTC
And 'The Curse of Fenric' arrived this weekend, too, I have a fest of Old Who this Christmas! *glows*


selenak December 13 2007, 21:13:13 UTC
*smooches back, and awaits your judgement*


kangeiko December 16 2007, 20:21:11 UTC
And 'The Curse of Fenric', too!! You are too good to me. *smooches you*


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