State of the world

Nov 25, 2007 15:42

It's been a while since I last posted, I almost can't remember how ( Read more... )

wishlist, christmas, on hiatus, exams, study

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Comments 2

darlas_mom November 25 2007, 16:50:47 UTC
Hey, sweets. Good luck on your exams! I know they'll feel torturous, but I'm sure you'll do well!

Awww. I'm sorry I can't do anything off your list, sweetie. I could try holding a mini-ficathon, maybe? Except my entire flist is made up of Whedonverse people and "Heroes" people and a few "Harry Potter" people, so I can't really get you any "Star Trek." But I can try, anyway?

Also, just wanted to apologize for the incommunicado of the past few weeks. I have not abandoned you on NBN! I am simply going through a period of creative frustration where only one of the little banners has turned out how I wanted it to. If you want, I can send? It's "SPN" but I think it came out smashing!


hugs from the North athena25 November 25 2007, 17:00:27 UTC
Hey sweetie. As usual there is nothing more that I can do to provide any of your requests beyond the standard food-providing service...

But hugs anyway.

Read about the girl sentanced to lashes - Hilary has made a speech against it which may help raise awareness of the subject. Apparantly it was for being in a car with a member of the opposite sex, and he was also gang-raped. And sentenced to the lash. Fucked up world.


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