I is artiste!

Aug 03, 2007 00:48

Why did no one tell me about artpad.com??? It's brilliant! I drew something, if by 'draw' one means 'used my mouse to create art in much the same way as paint, only with instant replay'! Oh, the horrors! *beams* You can tell I'm going to be playing with this all night, can't you??

silliness, art

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Comments 3

kayliemalinza August 3 2007, 01:36:27 UTC
::flashes back to art classes:: It looks a bit like a blind contour drawing! Which... isn't a compliment if it's not one. :x But it is quite lovely and stylistic nonetheless.


kangeiko August 3 2007, 01:49:18 UTC
I have no idea what that is! *g* I looked at my left hand, and tried to sorta draw with my right. Which, given that I was using a mouse, wasn't the most, erm, sensible of things, I suppose! *g* It works a lot better when using an actual pencil....

It is three am, why can't I convince myself to go to bed?? Curse you, internets!


kangeiko August 3 2007, 01:50:19 UTC
also, I've just seen that I was drawing it from a really weird angle. bah. *beats internets with sticks*

i might go investigate bed-related things, now...


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