Half past Christmas...

Dec 26, 2006 00:41

It's officially Boxing Day, although I'm not counting it as such until some actual sleep takes place.

home-related things - health, family, etc. )

health, christmas, book review, real life (tm)

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Comments 3

athena25 December 26 2006, 13:31:47 UTC
You almost died. Again. That's it. No Christmas for you next year.


kangeiko December 27 2006, 23:38:02 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

kangeiko December 27 2006, 23:40:13 UTC
*snuggles you* I got NO SOUP AT ALL. That's right. Unless I'm missing limbs or am suffering exam anxiety, I am DENIED SOUP. Such is the hard, hard life I lead.

*ignores the 5769603 cups of tea and mugs of broth. BROTH DOES NOT COUNT.*


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