Alias/Carnivale FIC: Nopheth (1/1)

Dec 19, 2006 22:02

For bluerosefairy, for her request: two dangerous women named Irina, to my offer of fic for Xmas/Channukah/Yule.

Title: Nopheth
Fandoms: Alias/Carnivale (mainly Carnivale, to be fair ( Read more... )

fic: alias, presents, fic: carnivale

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Comments 6

bluerosefairy December 20 2006, 04:22:53 UTC
This was beautiful. So poetic, so true-to-character, and so very Iris. I actually shivered reading the portion about Iris walking the streets of Stalingrad - could see and feel everything.

Oh, hon, there aren't words for how much I love this story!


kangeiko December 30 2006, 21:55:20 UTC
Oh, I am so glad you liked it! *bounces up&down*


carla_scribbles December 20 2006, 05:10:41 UTC
Here through Drea's journal and dude. I do not know the Alias at all, but this is perfect Iris -- eerie and scary-pragmatic and yay.


kangeiko December 30 2006, 21:55:48 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


twinb80 December 20 2006, 06:51:02 UTC
:waves hello: Also here from Drea's journal. What a wonderful holiday treat this is. I especially adore the images of Irina walking through the streets, burying Iris along with Justin, the flashback to their youth, and people being afraid of her. :)


kangeiko December 30 2006, 21:56:57 UTC
Thank you, I'm really glad you liked it! I'm a little wary of writing Iris, 'cause my knowledge ends at the end of s1, but I gave it a shot by burying her and running off with Irina instead. :)


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