Thank you selenak!!

Dec 07, 2006 16:13

A million 'thank you's to the wonderful selenak - a totally unexpected package arrived today and SQUEEEEEEEEE!!! BLAKE'S 7, guys, I've only wanted to see that since FOREVER!! Selena, darling, I owe you my firstborn and lots and lots of candy!! *smooches you lots* Thank you so much!!

christmas, thanks

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Comments 2

selenak December 7 2006, 19:19:05 UTC
You're welcome.*g* It's the first series, and bear in mind this is the bright one of the four, and the most optimistic. Ah, B7, British dystopia of snappy one liners and bad special effects and excellent acting. Enjoy!


kangeiko December 17 2006, 21:08:48 UTC


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