I DID IT!!!!!!

Nov 30, 2006 11:35

I just got the news - I passed my MSc WITH MERIT!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy I could explode. Come 14 December, I'm going to be a MA MSc - with bells on!


ETA: Erm. I told my dad. He burst into tears. In, um, a good way. I guess I'm not the only one who's happy&relieved! *grin*

squee, i am win, joy, exams

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Comments 22

clockworkwasp November 30 2006, 11:40:41 UTC
Well done! I shall buy you coffee, and possibly cake, in celebration next time you drop by work :)


kangeiko November 30 2006, 11:43:55 UTC
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances* Hey, listen, we're all gonna be going out for drinks on Dec 14 - admittedly a Thursday, but still a graduation day nonetheless - and you are completely and totally invited. *squish*


clockworkwasp November 30 2006, 12:01:18 UTC
Wah, I'm working Thursday so it depends on how late you're drinking and where. If not we should do stuff at some point soon.


kangeiko December 1 2006, 13:51:56 UTC
Most definitely!


eldritchhobbit November 30 2006, 12:13:15 UTC
Well done indeed! *wild applause*


kangeiko December 1 2006, 13:52:37 UTC
Thank you! *g* And now - to the next set of exams! Onwards, Jeeves, and don't spare thr horses! (or however that goes...)


yahtzee63 November 30 2006, 13:21:15 UTC
Yay you! Go you!


kangeiko December 1 2006, 13:53:01 UTC
Thank you!!


executrix November 30 2006, 13:21:15 UTC
Congratulations! This would have been an immense achievement for *anyone* but it's just, well, BEYOND for someone who had all the extra burdens you do.


kangeiko December 1 2006, 13:54:10 UTC
Thank you so much! Truth be told, I was despairing of ever finishing that one off - it seemed to drag on for ages. I may treat myself to a present to celebrate. :-)


erykah101 November 30 2006, 13:22:56 UTC
Well done, darling!! *huge hugs* Never had a single doubt in my mind that you wouldn't get there! Congratulations! *more hugs*


kangeiko December 1 2006, 13:58:12 UTC
Thank you honey! *hugs you* We're all heading out on Dec 14 - admittedly a Thursday - for drinks - are you anywhere near London then? You're totally invited and can crash at mine that evening if you're free.... *hopeful look* If not - drinkies soon?




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