10 Unpopular Fandom Opinions

Oct 29, 2006 16:20

Stolen shamelessly from likeadeuce. I went for a slight twist on this, as I have been navel-gazing more and more recently.

10 Unpopular Fannish Fandom Opinions

1. Having two male characters decide that they want a baby is enough justification for an MPREG fic. There's the issue of - well, it's not physically possible. Why is people wanting something seen ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

here from Metafandom greenislove November 3 2006, 04:51:36 UTC
Can you imagine something similar breaking out over Jane Austen pairing Fanny Price with Edward rather than the dashing Henry Crawford? No.

Hee! And here I thought the Fanny Wars were legendary. Thanks for reminding me how tame the Jane Austen fandom really is.


the_jackalope November 3 2006, 16:39:25 UTC
Oh, major word on number 10. I absolutly will put specific spoilers behind a cut, but Squee, or OMG, or any kind of basic reaction is not a spoiler.


arjd November 3 2006, 18:16:15 UTC
Omg. WORD. WORD, WORD, WORD. Wordy McWord.

Urr. Yeah. Heh.

(Omg! Fanny gets with Edmund? [you do mean edmund right?] Yay I love them... Ignore me, I'm reading Mansfield Park, heh)

Also? "A bad example of an AU is an AU where Harry killed Voldemort as a baby and was raised by unicorns and fell in love with a unicorn princess and they had babies and this story is about what happens when the babies grow up and go to Hogwarts."

I think I read a fic like that once. -_-


kangeiko November 7 2006, 15:35:15 UTC
Doh! Edmund, yes. (It's been years since I read Mansfield Park - it's my least-favourite Austen book - and I always have the feeling that it's not Edmund, 'cause I read it at the same time as King Lear and the two are forever mixed up in my mind now...)

What do you think of MP thus far? I have to say, given that I read Northanger Abbey right before it, I was very disappointed - although it gave us plenty to discuss in seminars, I admit.


arjd November 7 2006, 21:52:38 UTC
Disappointed too - seventy pages in and anything of consequence is yet to happen. I just read P&P so it's a big disappointment but if her other books aren't as boring as this then I'll give them a go. =D

Yay Edmund. I love him so much. =D


kangeiko November 7 2006, 21:59:49 UTC
Austen was going through a religious conversion at the time, so not a whole lot actually happens in the rest of it as well. I think it's her least engaging and least accomplished novel, for all that Fanny Price is being touted as a feminist heroine - I don't think that she is. And I much prefer Emma, P&P, Northanger Abbey or Sense and Sensibility, I have to say... (I'm still saving Persuasion for a particularly horrid day when I need some comfort reading.)


Here via Metafandom cressida0201 November 5 2006, 00:24:58 UTC
This is vaguely regarding the Malfoy!cest, Weasley!cest, Potter!cest and Win!cest out there.

Okay, I've gotta ask: just HOW do you have Potter!cest? I mean, aren't all of Harry's relatives on the Potter side, well, dead? I was about to ask a similar question about Malfoy!cest, but I assume that involves parent-child incest.

Can you imagine something similar breaking out over Jane Austen pairing Fanny Price with Edward rather than the dashing Henry Crawford?

*stares* Um...you don't spend much time around Jane Austen fans, do you? Because I actually have seen something remarkably similar to the Potter wars there, though with a more grown-up and pseudo-academic tone to it. (Oh, and it's Edmund, by the way. Edward is in Sense and Sensibility. And I wouldn't call Henry Crawford so much "dashing" as "creepy," but that's just me....)


Re: Here via Metafandom cressida0201 November 5 2006, 19:50:17 UTC
Necrofic. I'll just wait until we both stop shuddering before I continue.

There's a disturbing amount of dead!James pr0nfic out there. (Of course, my idea of a disturbing amount would be "any".)


Re: Here via Metafandom kangeiko November 7 2006, 15:42:51 UTC
Okay, I've gotta ask: just HOW do you have Potter!cest?

Via necrophilia and AUs, I believe. And the Mirror of Erised (although why Harry's fondest wish would be to be buggered by his father is beyond me.) And necromancy. And any other magical means you can think of? That too.

I was about to ask a similar question about Malfoy!cest, but I assume that involves parent-child incest.

They all do, to some extent. This is the one fandom where parent-child incest seems to be as popular as sibling incest. (And, for the record, as it colours my reactions to this, I can deal with the latter for narrative purposes - e.g. in Carnivale or Rome or similar - but the former squicks me like nobody's business, especially when it's mixed in with chan.)

*stares* Um...you don't spend much time around Jane Austen fans, do you? Because I actually have seen something remarkably similar to the Potter wars there, though with a more grown-up and pseudo-academic tone to it.Oh, yeah, we had the whole "Is fanny Price is a feminist heroine or just a wimpy cunt ( ... )


shadsie November 5 2006, 22:58:57 UTC
Also here from metafandom.

Thank you for the comments on genfic. I'm predominately a gen writer. Writing about the smooching and the lovey-dovey and the OMG! Let's bed each other! just doesn't interest me as much as writing about "aspects of the world," "characters' inner thoughts," or... "fantasy duel between this character and this character," haha!

From time to time (quite often) I like writing horror-themed stuff, and I love writing lavish descriptions (particularly of death scenes and gorey things). Um... Yes, I write gen, but my gen is NOT FOR THE KIDDIES. Some of my gen stories? I don't see how someone could regulate them to the "G-rated" section, so, yes, I really do hate that assumption in fandom.


shadsie November 5 2006, 23:00:39 UTC
... "relegate."



kangeiko November 7 2006, 15:47:12 UTC
From time to time (quite often) I like writing horror-themed stuff, and I love writing lavish descriptions (particularly of death scenes and gorey things). Um... Yes, I write gen, but my gen is NOT FOR THE KIDDIES. Some of my gen stories? I don't see how someone could regulate them to the "G-rated" section, so, yes, I really do hate that assumption in fandom.

Yes, exactly. Although I'd call myself a slasher, I think that it's more out of habit than anything else, as the vast majority of stuff I write seems to be gen fic, but is most definitely not suitable for children. I can just imagine the difficulties a horror writer would have with it! There's a real dearth of adult-gen fic archives or communities out there. The only ones I'm aware of are actual mailing lists for specific fandoms that deal with dark!fic - not 'shipping fic, but something deliberately adult and unsettling and predominantly gen. I haven't noticed an equivalent thing on lj, though...


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