athena and I talk history and politics

Aug 12, 2006 21:23

me: Julius Caesar, right -
ath: yeah?
me: I'd do 'im.
ath: the actor, the character or the historical figure?
me: er - character and historical figure.
ath: dunno.
me: it's julius fucking caesar! would you say no ( Read more... )

fun, silliness, rome

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Comments 4

kakodaimon August 12 2006, 22:06:20 UTC
I'd say no - on account of the truckloads of STDs. Seriously.


kangeiko August 12 2006, 22:16:11 UTC
caesar or pullo? 'cause, either way, it's what condoms were invented for. also, it's caesar. that's like... *mind boggles* well. just think on it, yeah?


alittlebriton August 13 2006, 22:36:46 UTC
I would totally do Ceasar. Especially if he looked like Cairan Honds - yummy and authoratative. And I wouldn't turn down Marc Antony either. But my heart is torn between Titus Pullo and Brutus - one, the archetypal alpha male, the lovable brute, and the other, intelligent, sensitive and quick with his tongue.

I think the person in Rome I'd most like to sleep with is Cleopatra, the dirty minx.


kangeiko August 15 2006, 17:24:20 UTC
not such a big fan of brutus, he's got wonky teeth. marc antony = yeah. veronus = hell yeah. titus pullo = yes, this very minute. all the women ever = OMG YES RIGHT NOW AGAINST THIS WALL, DAMN IT!

also, cleopatra = sexiest thing ever in existence. which is as it should be, really...


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