You know what? You should just take your two fanfics and, HELL!!!!, post them in a fanfics community like arashirabu!!!!!!! They are great! I like to read fanfics, I read a lot Arashi fanfics and I can tell, that this works from you will have success, especially the second one, that was so funny XD XD XD XD I soooo can see that happen XD XD XD Lol, Sho!! There are people in this community, who write so much worse (ehm...I don't won't to be mean...>.>'), but they post it there. You really should do it too ^____^ I like your writing style, it's clear and easy to read, it's amusing and funny, you use the group dynamic very well, I just couldn't stop reading after I started it. Very very nice! I will wait for more from you ^^
hm...only, it's not bad, it's just, Aiba-chan in first one, was a bit out of place for me...I can't help it. Oo *glomps* Thanks so much! <3 Hmm, they really have things worse than mine? O_O Well, actually I rarely read from fic-communities, I go to the source.. >_< I'm so glad you like them cause, frankly, you're pretty much the reason I started this..^^ Ah, yes, the first one..I tried to give Aiba a bit different role than usually, but I can see it too that I need to establish this-is-what-my-Aiba-is-like before I start changing it. Really, thanks for pointing it out! (love you still :P)
I think you did pretty well! I love it when a fic is totally believeable ie. when their character is well-captured. And I think you did a great job in doing that!
Some lines that I liked^_^
Nino could be sometimes whimsical or just plain nasty, but he had his priorities settled and they were firmly settled on Arashi. This is very Nino-like:)
Ohno wanted to know while pushing Nino's hand away from his buttocks for the third time. Ohmiya<3 Nino can't stop touching Ohno! *Lol* He always does that, doesn't he? XD I can totally imagine this happening :p
Jun's voice softened to that slightly more pleasant tone he reserved solely to women and children and his Rida. This sentence is so true! I love it when Jun have a soft spot for Riida~ Makes me go awwww~
Left alone, Jun stood there for a while pondering the fact that his bandmates had failed yet again in listening to the whole question before answering it randomly..though admittedly, it was sort of amusing.Very typical of baka Arashi as usual *Lol
( ... )
Welcome:) No need to thank me^^ Thank YOU for writing the fics^_^ I enjoyed them!:)
No,no. The next sentence is good too! Nino had been physically attached to him since the morning rehearsal... Just that I didn't want to quote the whole paragraph^^ Too long :p
Yes, Jun's softspot for Ohno IS indeed his best quality! I like him because he is nice to Ohno^^ So other than when he's with Ohno, I don't pay much attention to him :p Oops~
About the Riida thing, yeah, most go along with this spelling. I guess it cuz it looks nicer? I don't know. Although the correct one is Riidaa. *Lol* Cuz you know リーダー ^^
Haha. Cuz Aiba is usually bubbly & genki & so it's hard to write his serious side^^ Everyone probably imagined it differently too. I say imagine cuz we don't get to see it on TV^^
Yes, write more fluff!!! Like Jun being super sweet to Ohno or sth! Or Shohno! Our ichibans! XD
Oh I am so glad you have decided to post your fics. They are a good start. I finally have cleaned out the old place and now have to start the purging business. Yay now I have time for fangurling.
heeeeeeeeei! kiitos kortista!! ja ARashista!! voi lol Aiba syömässä.. :DDDD ja HAPPINESS!! iiih just toissapäivänä lauloin sitä karaokessa ja joka päivä laulan sitä tossa pihalla :DDDDD hahah. how is it going? onko kylymä?
Haha! Se tuli perille~ ^__^ Umm..askartelu into iski. Minkäs lastentarhatäti itselleen voi.. (lisää Arashi-askarteluja päiväkotiin! 8D) Se Aiba kuva on muuten ihan yks miun suosikeista. Jotenkin se poika onnistuu olemaan sekä upean että dorkan näköinen.. XD
HAPPINESS karaokessa!? :D Miu haluun kanssss~ T__T Ootko löytäny jonkun kantiksen siellä mihin meet laulaan vai vaihtuuko paikka välillä? *snort* pihalla..? XDDD Täydellistä.
Vähän kylmä. -10, noin. Tänään oikeestaan näyttää lauhemmaltakin, en oo vielä kerinny ulos. Tosi kirkasta niinkuin usein helmikuussa. Kissa on viimeaikoina päivät nukkunu peittojen alla, se ei varmaan arvosta valoa ihan niin paljon. ^^
Miten paljon muuten oot päässy japania puhumaan? Vai yrittääkö kaikki puhua siulle englantia? Pääsin muuten japaninkurssille! ^^ Se oli aika hakemisen takana kun on nää yo aikataulut, mut se on lauantaisin niin pääsin siihen. :D Saas nähä jos jotain vaikka tarttuis päähän.
Aww~ Totaalisesti rakastuin nyt tuohon header kuvaas ja myös tuo "happy rainbow land" juttu. ^u^ I envy you for being able to make such awesome graphics. >3
Kiitos kiitos, mutta ne ei ole miun tekemiä! ^^ Profiili sivulla on creditsit mutta headerin teki hakka_candy ja sateenkaari-semi-friendin sai mikan_atama:sta Kumpikin kavereita~ &hearts
Heh, sen kun pyörit täällä niin niitä löytyy! En osaa itekkään käyttää noita css -juttuja mut mulle kerrottiin kädestä pitäen miten homma tapahtuu niin sain sitten layoutin. ^^ Hmm tai oikeestaan se oli toivomus-memestä tullut juttu, piirsin kuvan Bettylle (hakka_candy) ja se teki layoutin mulle. Iiiihan oikeudenmukainen vaihto, joo.. ^^;;; (jos haluat nähdä sen kuvan niin selaile vaan vähän taaksepäin tätä journalia ja katso otsikoita!)
Lisäsin siut juuri äsken!
Kuule, sanonko sinuu ihan Bloodyksi vai onko jotain muuta nimeä olemassa? :D Saatoit ehkä jostain sen lukeakin mutta mun nimi on Suvi.
Ihanaa, joku on yhtä random kuin miukin! css:ää ON vaikea sanoa! XDDDD
Comments 37
They are great! I like to read fanfics, I read a lot Arashi fanfics and I can tell, that this works from you will have success, especially the second one, that was so funny XD XD XD XD I soooo can see that happen XD XD XD Lol, Sho!! There are people in this community, who write so much worse (ehm...I don't won't to be mean...>.>'), but they post it there. You really should do it too ^____^
I like your writing style, it's clear and easy to read, it's amusing and funny, you use the group dynamic very well, I just couldn't stop reading after I started it. Very very nice!
I will wait for more from you ^^
hm...only, it's not bad, it's just, Aiba-chan in first one, was a bit out of place for me...I can't help it. Oo
Hmm, they really have things worse than mine? O_O
Well, actually I rarely read from fic-communities, I go to the source.. >_<
I'm so glad you like them cause, frankly, you're pretty much the reason I started this..^^
Ah, yes, the first one..I tried to give Aiba a bit different role than usually, but I can see it too that I need to establish this-is-what-my-Aiba-is-like before I start changing it. Really, thanks for pointing it out! (love you still :P)
I think you did pretty well! I love it when a fic is totally believeable ie. when their character is well-captured. And I think you did a great job in doing that!
Some lines that I liked^_^
Nino could be sometimes whimsical or just plain nasty, but he had his priorities settled and they were firmly settled on Arashi.
This is very Nino-like:)
Ohno wanted to know while pushing Nino's hand away from his buttocks for the third time.
Ohmiya<3 Nino can't stop touching Ohno! *Lol* He always does that, doesn't he? XD I can totally imagine this happening :p
Jun's voice softened to that slightly more pleasant tone he reserved solely to women and children and his Rida.
This sentence is so true! I love it when Jun have a soft spot for Riida~ Makes me go awwww~
Left alone, Jun stood there for a while pondering the fact that his bandmates had failed yet again in listening to the whole question before answering it randomly..though admittedly, it was sort of amusing.Very typical of baka Arashi as usual *Lol ( ... )
No,no. The next sentence is good too!
Nino had been physically attached to him since the morning rehearsal...
Just that I didn't want to quote the whole paragraph^^ Too long :p
Yes, Jun's softspot for Ohno IS indeed his best quality! I like him because he is nice to Ohno^^ So other than when he's with Ohno, I don't pay much attention to him :p Oops~
About the Riida thing, yeah, most go along with this spelling. I guess it cuz it looks nicer? I don't know. Although the correct one is Riidaa. *Lol* Cuz you know リーダー ^^
Haha. Cuz Aiba is usually bubbly & genki & so it's hard to write his serious side^^ Everyone probably imagined it differently too. I say imagine cuz we don't get to see it on TV^^
Yes, write more fluff!!! Like Jun being super sweet to Ohno or sth! Or Shohno! Our ichibans! XD
At least the hard part is over..I guess ^^ Although the purging could also be.. >_<
It's good to have time for some good ol' fangurling every once in a while! ^^v
*off to read your PM*
HAPPINESS karaokessa!? :D Miu haluun kanssss~ T__T
Ootko löytäny jonkun kantiksen siellä mihin meet laulaan vai vaihtuuko paikka välillä?
*snort* pihalla..? XDDD Täydellistä.
Vähän kylmä. -10, noin. Tänään oikeestaan näyttää lauhemmaltakin, en oo vielä kerinny ulos. Tosi kirkasta niinkuin usein helmikuussa. Kissa on viimeaikoina päivät nukkunu peittojen alla, se ei varmaan arvosta valoa ihan niin paljon. ^^
Miten paljon muuten oot päässy japania puhumaan? Vai yrittääkö kaikki puhua siulle englantia?
Pääsin muuten japaninkurssille! ^^ Se oli aika hakemisen takana kun on nää yo aikataulut, mut se on lauantaisin niin pääsin siihen. :D Saas nähä jos jotain vaikka tarttuis päähän.
Totaalisesti rakastuin nyt tuohon header kuvaas ja myös tuo "happy rainbow land" juttu. ^u^
I envy you for being able to make such awesome graphics. >3
Kiitos kiitos, mutta ne ei ole miun tekemiä! ^^ Profiili sivulla on creditsit mutta headerin teki hakka_candy ja sateenkaari-semi-friendin sai mikan_atama:sta Kumpikin kavereita~ &hearts
Sopiiko jos lisään siutkin kaveriksi?
Pitäis itsekin yrittää saada kavereita jotka osais käyttää css:ää ja kaikkia hienoja kuvan muokkausohjelmia. >3<
Saapi lisäillä, joo~ Käyn itekin lisäämässä sinut. ^^
[css:ää = on muuten pirun vaikee yrittää sanoo XD]
Heh, sen kun pyörit täällä niin niitä löytyy!
En osaa itekkään käyttää noita css -juttuja mut mulle kerrottiin kädestä pitäen miten homma tapahtuu niin sain sitten layoutin. ^^ Hmm tai oikeestaan se oli toivomus-memestä tullut juttu, piirsin kuvan Bettylle (hakka_candy) ja se teki layoutin mulle. Iiiihan oikeudenmukainen vaihto, joo.. ^^;;; (jos haluat nähdä sen kuvan niin selaile vaan vähän taaksepäin tätä journalia ja katso otsikoita!)
Lisäsin siut juuri äsken!
Kuule, sanonko sinuu ihan Bloodyksi vai onko jotain muuta nimeä olemassa? :D
Saatoit ehkä jostain sen lukeakin mutta mun nimi on Suvi.
Ihanaa, joku on yhtä random kuin miukin! css:ää ON vaikea sanoa! XDDDD
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